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Software. Services. NPR Opens 80,000 Transcripts via New Transcript API. Life 2.0: Golden Rules from Business Visionaries. Here's a transcript of an article in Business 2.0 where they asked 30 business visionaries, collectively worth over $70 billion, what single philosophy they swear by more than any other -- in business, life, or both.

Life 2.0: Golden Rules from Business Visionaries

Here are the secrets of their success. They are a few golden nuggets in here. Surround Yourself With People Smarter Than You Chris Albrecht, CEO, Home Box OfficeSurround yourself with people smarter than you and be comfortable with that. I went to a high school for gifted students and went from being one of the smartest kids in the class to being near the bottom of the pack. I got very comfortable with being in that situation and realizing how much I could learn from people who are as smart as or smarter than I am. George Steinbrenner, owner, New York Yankees This is a rule that my late father, Henry George Steinbrenner II, taught me when I was a young man. Reinvent Yourself. Treat your customers like they own you, because they do. Building Line of Business Applications with Silverlight 3 – Pros and Cons - Dan Wahlin's WebLog. I’ve been hearing a lot of people talk about how Silverlight 3 can or can’t do various things lately throughout the blogosphere and Twitter.

Building Line of Business Applications with Silverlight 3 – Pros and Cons - Dan Wahlin's WebLog

The sad part is that some of the people giving their two cents about what Silverlight can’t do haven’t built a “real world” application so I’m not sure how their opinion carries any weight (I know because I’ve asked a few of them). Their list of cons are typically based on what they heard on Twitter or various rumors floating around. As with any technology there are pros and cons and Silverlight is no exception. The goal of this post is to talk through some of the pros and cons I’ve personally encountered while building a “real world”, enterprise-scale timesheet and job management application for a large electrical contracting company. I’ll point out what has worked really well and what hasn’t so that people looking to move applications to Silverlight 3 can get an honest assessment on what can be done and what can’t be done. Silverlight 3 Pros. Virtual Goods: the next big business model.

This guest post is written by Susan Wu, a Principal with Charles River Ventures, where she focuses on digital media, software, and infrastructure.

Virtual Goods: the next big business model

Susan is coproducing the Virtual Goods Summit this Friday at Stanford University – most of the companies mentioned below will be presenting. People spend over $1.5 billion on virtual items every year. Pets, coins, avatars, and bling: these virtual objects are nothing more than a series of digital 1s and 0s stored on a remote database somewhere in the ether. What could possibly possess people to spend real, hard earned cash on ‘objects’ that have no tangible substance? The virtual worlds space has received tremendous press attention in the last year, fueled in no small part by Wild West stories of fortune and anarchy in worlds like Second Life and the plight of the Chinese gold farmer in World of Warcraft. Tencent is one of the largest Internet portals in China with over 250 million active user accounts.