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THEGOLDENMOON.COM is one of the largest online travel accommodation booking platforms available that is characterised by incorporating all known types of accommodation under one brand name. This is a brand-new concept, aimed at blurring the boundaries between rating categories and bringing a whole new dimension to the realm of travel accommodation searches.

Sdfsdf. Introducing I’m proud to help hosts to take their real place within the travel industry.


Let me protect your host’s interests. Real experience of my creators. No-nonsense, aggressive representation of the rights of hosts at the time it is needed. If you are to run your rental business successfully for the long term, you want to advertise with a platform created by experienced professionals who will get you the best possible booking results and represent you strongly if you are in trouble. You need no-nonsense, aggressive representation by YOUR platform. Your personal booking resource built upon years of trust. My primary goal, as a booking platform, is to provide each host with the highest amount of bookings and to obtain a fair and equitable service for each host on the platform. My hosts receive the majority of their bookings through my independent booking platform where any issues are resolved through negotiation, mediation, or compromise.

Guestima: How It Works... Introducing The Independent Guestima Guest Checking Service. YES. Subscribe - The Golden Moon Blog. Type to search Subscribe 5 star customer service About Us Ruslans Kovalovs March 23, 2017 Six questions that will change the way you market your AirBnB Ruslans Kovalovs April 8, 2019.

Subscribe - The Golden Moon Blog

FAcebook Now. TheGM Super Offer - The Golden Moon Blog. Original ideas become even more beautiful when there is nothing to pay.

TheGM Super Offer - The Golden Moon Blog

With TheGM the cost is ALMOST nothing. Use of The Golden Moon platform for ALL host categories is 2,5% plus VAT, lower than any other secure platform. And TheGM doesn’t stop there. How It works for Guests - The Golden Moon Blog. Travel is changing.

How It works for Guests - The Golden Moon Blog

You desire more from your time and money; with so many accommodation types available, where do you go to build your own holiday dreams? The Golden Moon seeks to be the golden destination for your… well, destination. Our aim is to provide you with a universe of choice, removing boundaries and inspiring freedom. Our platform is unique and, we hope, the start of your 5-Star adventure wherever in the universe you chose to go. A Universe of Choice All you have to do is enter your desired destination into our easy-to-use form, the type of accommodation you are looking for and the number of guests and our system will present you with ideal places to stay. Removing Boundaries When you are presented with accommodation from your initial search results, you can book straight from there, or filter your results by a variety of options to explore further.

"Your House Your Rules" Policy - The Golden Moon Blog. “…TheGM was created by hosts and understands the many challenges involved from personal experience.

"Your House Your Rules" Policy - The Golden Moon Blog

This allows for better addressing of the problems of the host compared to our competitors. We assign a massive value to the needs and opinions of local hosts listed on our platform in recognition of their importance within TheGM Society…” “Your house- your rules”. How The Golden Moon Works for Hotels - The Golden Moon Blog. Travel is changing.

How The Golden Moon Works for Hotels - The Golden Moon Blog

Travellers desire more from their time and money and from the way that they search and book accommodation. Online Travel Agents are full of hotels competing against hotels or local hosts competing against local hosts. For hotels, the opportunity to compete with local hosts is limited. seeks to be the golden solution, offering a universe of choice, removing boundaries and inspiring freedom for hotels keen to deliver higher occupancy rates. Pricing explained for Hosts - The Golden Moon Blog. Airbnb charges 3.6% incl.

Pricing explained for Hosts - The Golden Moon Blog

VAT. The ID check is carried out, email is verified and phone and presence on social media. About Us - The Golden Moon Blog. TheGM is the largest online marketplace of travel accommodation and rental properties.

About Us - The Golden Moon Blog

The company’s goal is to satisfy a fundamental property of human happiness which is the desire to travel more often. By creating the largest choice of accommodation, with a variety of types, prices and features, it aims to fit with the needs of the more diversified traveller, ultimately increasing the ability to travel more. Frequently asked questions: Hotels - The Golden Moon Blog.

A great range of products and services: We provide you with the freedom to choose from a vast number of opportunities within a large and emerging industry.

Frequently asked questions: Hotels - The Golden Moon Blog

How? We do this by eradicating existing accommodation categories. Work with Us - The Golden Moon Blog. We are, an online platform specialising in booking tourist accommodation.

Work with Us - The Golden Moon Blog

We work in a similar way to the other online websites such as,, and etc. with the key difference that include all types of properties in one place including AirB&Bs, Hotels, Holiday Homes, Serviced Apartments, Hostels, Castles and anything else! This results in 80 types of properties brought together on a single platform making it the largest source of accommodation offering a global choice. Whilst offering this level of choice is one of our main competitive advantages, creating such a large database of hosts can impose considerable challenges. Creating a database on such a large scale is complex as well as time and resource consuming.

Our Vision - The Golden Moon Blog. The dream that guides is to bring a universe of choice, remove boundaries and inspire freedom for hosts and travellers around the world. Our values shape how we will achieve this dream. Driven by Customer Needs constantly considers the needs of its user, whether a traveller or host and seeks to provide the best online platform possible to inspire freedom. Why should AirB&Bs choose us? - The Golden Moon Blog. Product THEGOLDENMOON.COM is the largest online travel accommodation booking platform incorporating 80 types of places to stay. These are noticeably Hotels and AirB&Bs under one brand name. This is a brand-new concept aimed at blurring the boundaries between accommodation categories.

It brings into play new opportunities of growth for hosts and introduces a new era of travel accommodation searching for guests. Product value Having more platforms to advertise your property brings to an end the era of a single service provider, empowering local hosts with choice and possibilities. Individual Agreement with Guests - The Golden Moon Blog. Pricing explained for Hotels - The Golden Moon Blog. When it comes to looking at THEGOLDENMOON.COM’s closest competitors, they charge terrifically high commission rates: 15-28%, 15-20% This can leave independent hotel owners who are not attached to a brand in any way struggling to deal with commission rates of as much as 30%.

Many hotel operators are left reeling and feeling as if they are being monopolised by the OTAs. Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) dominate the booking of accommodation at the moment, causing hotels to lower their prices and often forming a dependency. List My Property Service - The Golden Moon Blog. TheGM Society - The Golden Moon Blog. This document is a projection of TheGM’s Society principals. This is a pilot version, involving the elements of debating with the links leading to the discussion pages. Send your comments below using the hashtag #thegmsocietyhost (or guest, hotel) at the end of your comment Rules of conduct The rules of TheGM come from understanding that all members of the society have their rights and obligations and TheGM gives all the power and control in shaping rules to its members and the conscious willingness of the members to follow these rules makes our society an overall happier and better place.

In the heart of our vision is the view that TheGM, as a truly public company, is a part of the free market that regulates itself with little or no regulation from authority. To develop this thought further, the definition of ‘little or no regulations’ might need some clarification. FAQ: Hosts - The Golden Moon Blog. Product benefits: The freedom and opportunities occurring from a newly developed market. How? We remove the boundaries between accommodation categories, resulting in bringing them all together under the same brand name, specifically Hotels and AirBnBs. This provides AirB&Bbs many benefits. You will be able to: TheGM: How It Works For Hosts - The Golden Moon Blog. Individual Agreement with Hotels - The Golden Moon Blog. Individual Agreement With Hosts - The Golden Moon Blog. Use of the platform for all host categories is 2,5% plus VAT. The story of The Golden Moon - The Golden Moon Blog. The shared economy is a new phenomenon, resulting from many recent developments in the field of accommodation and travel.

However, many projects have been introduced at a too early stage of development and in a quick search for profits. Golden Features and Benefits: Why Hotels Choose TheGM - The Golden Moon Blog. A great range of products and services We provide you with the freedom to choose from a vast number of opportunities within a large and emerging industry. We do this by eradicating existing accommodation categories. Hotels: TheGM changes the travel landscape - be the first to recognise this amazing opportunity - The Golden Moon Blog. Product description. Local Hosts: Wave Goodbye to Monopolism Era. The Golden Moon has arrived - The Golden Moon Blog.

We remove the boundaries between accommodation categories, resulting in bringing them all together under the same brand name, specifically Hotels and AirB&Bs. This provides AirB&Bs many benefits. Work with us - The Golden Moon Blog. We are, an online platform specializing in booking tourist accommodation. We work in a similar way to the other online websites such as,, and etc. with the key difference that include all types of properties in one place including Airbnbs, Hotels, Holiday Homes, Serviced Apartments, Hostels, Castles and anything else! This results in 80 types of properties brought together on a single platform making it the largest source of accommodation offering a global choice. Struggling for a slice of cake - The Golden Moon Blog. “… By creating the best possible environment for hosts to flourish we allow them to concentrate on serving the end consumer to the best of their ability. Come, bring your best offer, and let the guests decide what they want to book… “.Ruslans Kovalovs, Managing Director If you are reading this, there is a good chance these statements are familiar: “There are a lot of hotels that aren’t right for Airbnb, and probably never will be.”

“Focusing on just boutique and bed and breakfasts ensures that the company [Airbnb] stays true to its vision”. Inside What We Can Do for You - The Golden Moon Blog. Your short-term rental business may be using archaic practices Because of its very nature, the relentlessness of change, technology, and the law, short-term rental businesses will eventually fail. Whether you run a holiday home, hotel, apartment or even just a spare room, it is vital that you understand the environment, technology, and regular shifts that happen across this industry. INSIDE THE GOLDEN MOON: update - The Golden Moon Blog. Clear Benefits 2: Intangibles - The Golden Moon Blog.

Twitter 2019 - web pages

Twitter 2018 - web pages. Twitter 2017 - web pages. Twitter 2016 - web pages. Clear Benefits 1: Tangibles - The Golden Moon Blog. The inside story. Tweets 2019. Tweets 2018. Tweets 2017. Tweets 2016. Inside what we can do for you - The Golden Moon Blog. Beach Houses. Struggling for a slice of cake #newhosting #newhoteling #gmsuperoffer. Overcome the cannibalising effect of the sharing economy on hotel business. Six questions that will change the way you hosting your AirB&B. Overcoming the limitations of current holiday booking platforms., an online travel accommodation booking platform, celebrates the 3d anniversary. Weekend in Monaco. Rolex Monte Carlo Masters. Grand Prix Monaco. Home - The Golden Moon. Join the Hotel-AirB&B’s R-evolution - The Golden Moon Blog.