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Twitter Goes To Good Morning America To Confirm Twitter #Music, Aiming Straight For The Mainstream. Word of a standalone music service out of Twitter has been floating around for a week or so, but today the company took to the Good Morning America show to officially announce the service, comprised of both a web platform and an iOS app. Twitter Music, as it were, is the brainchild of We Are Hunted, a startup quietly acquired by Twitter just last year. The app pulls in music from Rdio, Spotify and iTunes, while using data from your Twitter follower graph to deliver the best possible music for you. If you have an Rdio or Spotify account, you can sign into them within the app and stream full tracks for your listening pleasure.

If not, you’ll still have access to an iTunes preview to discover great new music. What’s interesting is that Twitter is aiming straight for the mainstream with this launch, as opposed to targeting its usual early-adopter crowd. Twitter Music seems to feel like a lot of other music apps while still being slightly unique from all of them. Selah Sue by Selah Sue - Download Selah Sue. Mexican Spaghetti Western (Bonus Track Version) by Chingon - Download Mexican Spaghetti Western (Bonus Track Version) Mexico and Mariachis (Music From and Inspired by Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi Trilogy: Disc 1) by Various Artists - Download Mexico and Mariachis (Music From and Inspired by Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi Trilogy: Disc 1) Connecting to the iTunes Store.