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EatingWell: 7 of the Healthiest Foods You Should Be Eating But Aren't. By Matthew Thompson, Associate Food Editor for EatingWell Magazine When it comes to choosing what to eat, I like to get a lot of nutritional bang for my buck, so to speak. The best deals? “Superfoods” that are far more plentiful in nutrients than they are in calories and that research has shown deliver health benefits. You’re probably already eating a lot of everyday superfoods -- like bananas, eggs and broccoli -- and maybe even some exotic ones. (Acai, anyone?) But what about the power-packed foods filled with good-for-you vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting phytochemicals you aren’t eating? Rather than rattling off a laundry list of every fiber-rich, antioxidant-packed, vitamin-saturated food I can imagine, I’m going to focus on seven of the healthiest foods that I, and probably many of you, have mostly missed the boat on eating, especially on a regular basis.

Lentils What healthy foods do you want to eat more of? By Matthew Thompson For more by EatingWell, click here. Snickerdoodle Muffins. Snickerdoodle Muffins I have been obsessed with Pinterest lately! Pinning this and that all while trying not to drool all over my computer. While I like pinning lots of different things, as you can imagine, I love pinning recipes. A picture of snickerdoodle muffins kept popping up all over my Pinterest page just begging me to make them.

I really need to stop looking at Pinterest after dinner! I found using an ice cream scooper with a release lever the easiest way to scoop out the batter. After the ball of dough is completely covered in cinnamon and sugar just plop it into the muffin liner and bake! Delicious muffins that combines the best of a snickerdoodle cookie with the comfort of a warm muffin, perfect for breakfast or dessert! Yield: 16 muffins Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 18 minutes Ingredients: For the Topping: 2/3 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cinnamon Directions: Preheat the oven to 350ºF. One Year Ago: Orange Pound Cake Leave a Comment. Back to Basics ~ tips and techniques to create a great loaf in 5 minutes a day.

Note that there is an updated version of this post, click here to view. Recently we have seen lots of new readers on the website who are asking wonderful questions about how to perfect their loaves. First I’d like to say welcome to the site and thank you for trying the bread. As I bake through the basic Master recipe from ABin5 I will try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions and also introduce you to a few new pieces of equipment I’ve recently started to use that make the whole experience just a little easier. The goal is to create a large batch of dough that stores in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. That’s why our method saves you so much time– all the mixing and prep is divided over four one-pound loaves. Master Recipe from The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking: 3 cups lukewarm water (you can use cold water, but it will take the dough longer to rise.

*If you use cake yeast you will need 1.3 ounces. Manly tips for bachelor living. Baked Egg Boat recipe. Breakfast is my favorite meal. I like to drink iced coffee and watch the cream climb its way down the chunky ice cubes in a dazy before the caffeine hits. I like to order bacon with whatever I’m eating. I like eating potatoes with ketchup. I like eggs over easy, and fluffy scrambled eggs.

I pretty much like everything there is to like about breakfast. Baked Egg BoatsMakes 4 Ingredients: 4 demi sourdough baguettes 5 eggs 1/3 cup heavy cream 4 ounces pancetta, finely chopped and fried until crisp 3 ounces gruyere cheese, grated 2 green onions, thinly slicedsalt and pepper to tasteDirections: 1. The Bread Maiden. Microwave Potato Chips — Really! I like to think of myself as a glass-half-full kind of gal. I tend to have a sunny demeanor. I try to accentuate the positive even in the most grave of situations. And I’m optimistic that one can do anything one sets one’s mind to — or at the very least get darn close to it. But when I stumbled upon a recipe early last year in Eating Well magazine for making potato chips in the microwave, I balked. I was a disbeliever. I was convinced this was beyond impossible.

I was wrong. As part of the Reheat Anything Generation, I knew full well from experience that foods heated or cooked in the microwave most often turned out soft and limp, not crunchy. So how could thinly sliced potatoes end up crackling crisp? They not only do, but they also possess a purity of flavor — of real, fresh potatoes. Plus, there’s no heating up a vat of oil or turning on a hot oven to make these.

The recipe calls for cutting up the potatoes into 1/8-inch slices. Toss with olive oil, and salt. Microwave Potato Chips. Food Pyramid Submissions. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip It’s time for a little confession. I realize this may get me shunned (especially in my hometown of Pittsburgh!) , but….I don’t like football. I don’t like to watch it, I never liked playing football with my friends, I don’t even like playing catch with a football.

If there was one thing Mike could change about me, I’m pretty sure this would be it. That being said, I will watch the Superbowl. I saw this recipe on Jessica’s blog and made it the very next day. *Note: Jessica also has variations of this dip on her blog. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip Ingredients:1/2 cup butter 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 8-ounce block of cream cheese, softened 3/4 to 1 cup powdered sugar (*to taste) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup mini chocolate chips, plus extra for sprinklingDirections:In a small saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat.