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Bibliothèques Calibre. Blog ebook. Developer IOS. Développement iOS. 02 | RESSOURCES GRAPHIQUES. ArtStation. Surface fragments: How the Old Masters created the look of Gold in Painting. The detail (above) from Van Loo's painting, Marie Leszczinska Queen of France, is fascinating to me.

surface fragments: How the Old Masters created the look of Gold in Painting

I've been trying to figure out why I think his rendering of the gold table is unsuccessful. Though he's obviously a meticulous craftsman and clearly spent ages with a magnifying glass in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, there's something overwrought about the brushwork. His table looks plastic, but it took me a while to figure out why. Holbein was, of course, a master at painting the detailed effects of light and shade on any number of textures. I examined his Portrait of Charles de Solier (above) for clues as to his technique for painting gold. Local color and value are notoriously hard to read, so I took color samples from the sword handle, (a) through (e) above, and then de-saturated them to get their values.

The values are all gathered tightly around the bottom of the spectrum, between Value 1 and 3. Why is it that Van Loo's painting is unsuccessful? Yikes! How to See in Value. One of the most important concepts to know and understand as a visual artist is that pictures, scenes and still images are arrangements of value; light, dark and gray shapes.

How to See in Value

It’s these light, dark and gray shapes that the human mind assembles as a cohesive picture. Being able to see the world as shapes of value, especially colored shapes and objects, is a master skill to cultivate as a visual artist. It’s important to the artist because in order to compose and arrange shapes in our pictures, we must first see and understand their inherent grayscale value. The most basic and abstract pattern of dark and light shapes (A) is the first ‘read’ the mind makes. This happens on a visceral, almost subconscious level. How do we train our eyes to see the world in value? To see these strategies in action, watch the video below or continue reading for the in-depth breakdown. Step 1: Ignore color information One way to see color as value is to simply ignore the color.

Step 2: Look for Edges and Borders. COLLECTION OF THE BEST 2D CHARACTER TUTORIALS AND MAKING OFS. Programmation Mobile. PLUGIN JQUERY. Best Cydia Sources/Repos of 2014 for iOS 7.x Tweaks and Mods. Although we may be jumping a little early on this one, it’s time to boot up Cydia and make sure you’ve got the repos added.

Best Cydia Sources/Repos of 2014 for iOS 7.x Tweaks and Mods

The list isn’t new but it’s worth revisiting every year as new jailbreak software comes out. As you know, Evasi0n7 was released this Sunday. Call it a surprise Christmas gift even though things aren’t looking great for the tweak community as such due to compatibility issues. Nevertheless, here’s a list of the most popular and most useful iOS 7 Cydia repos / sources of 2014. (Note: some more repos are mentioned in this post: Best Cydia Repos (2013) for iOS 6.x) Best Cydia Sources/Repos of 2014 for iOS 7 Repo: BigBoss Source: BigBoss is the single largest source of most popular tweaks. Repo: ModMyi Source: Right next to BigBoss, it’s ModMyi (although some folks would argue the opposite).

Repo: Source: Ryan Petrich is a lead developer when it comes to intelligent, smart and ingenious tweaks. Repo: iSpazio Source: Rogue Repos. IOS 8. iOS 7. Firefox Add-ons. Outwit, un plugin Firefox pour collecter et structurer les. Crochet/tricot.