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The Digital Fellow

The Digital Fellow Premium Consulting Firm

How Digitally Rich Are You? Business and clients come in all sizes and packages.

How Digitally Rich Are You?

Even the package has a unique taste of its own. While striking the right chord with clients can be fun and fulfilling, gauging their likes and dislikes can be equally cumbersome. But as time passed, I, as a marketer, witnessed an alarming gap in the knowledge of some of the strongest names in the market when it comes to digital marketing.

7 things you need to know about IGTV. Why Not All Applicants Make It to the Office Desk. We are not a digital agency.

Why Not All Applicants Make It to the Office Desk

Nope. Which instantly makes us not mediocre. Things that slow down digital revolution In the nation. In spite of slow penetration of the internet in the lesser known regions of the country, the Indian population hooked on to the web is all set to explode.

Things that slow down digital revolution In the nation

So, as I paint a rosy picture for all you with this fact, I am forced to take your gaze to a scenario much in contrast to what I speak. Our country may be shifting gears with digital prowess but the latent shift of marketers with respect to digital is dismal. How thedigitalfellow culture was formed? The culture we have at thedigitalfellow comes out of frustration and anger.

How thedigitalfellow culture was formed?

I realized that I can’t work with less knowledgeable seniors or people. I’ve been a part of so many multinational companies as well as large MNCs and Indian companies. All I saw was that the top management of the companies was not respected. They were hated. How Content made me a Millionaire. Content technically changed my life.

How Content made me a Millionaire

I consume content from everywhere. It’s been an old habit. This habit changed my bank balance. How to Correctly Apply to the Jobs in This Era? Hi there.

How to Correctly Apply to the Jobs in This Era?

Are you fresh out of college? Or maybe just bored with that job you took because your parents had suggested it in the first place? Or maybe that job you took was not what it seemed when you applied? Reaching out to companies and start-ups is a way out for a lot of these people. But maybe, just maybe having a great CV and using it to leverage attention isn’t such a great idea anymore.

Let’s be honest. A piece of paper that someone got from school/college does not predict his or her future. And more often it neither shows that person’s intent nor his/her passion. Internet, the great equalizer, has given us a new opportunity. Why Today's CMOs Should Transform Themselves into CDOs. Before transformation of your company from Traditional to Digital, make sure your Chief Marketing Officer is digitally transformed first.

Why Today's CMOs Should Transform Themselves into CDOs

Let’s be real. Most CMOs are old. They subscribe to the old school of thought. Why Your Brands Tonality is its soul. Which was the last blog of ours that you read?

Why Your Brands Tonality is its soul

Maybe this is your first. I hope not. Why We Are Doctors At Heart And Digital Consultants By Profession. When was the last time you had the hospital around the corner call you up?

Why We Are Doctors At Heart And Digital Consultants By Profession

To tell you about their “admit one patient and get breakfast free” offers? Or when was the last time your family doctor told you about how his prescribed medicines are better than those of the other doctors in the area? Why We See Start-ups in the Digital Domain Fail So Quickly? People don’t take advice: I have come across mostly people who have a “I know it all” attitude.

Why We See Start-ups in the Digital Domain Fail So Quickly?

They feel if you use the start-up tag on your chest, you get attention. Attention from the government, your peers and obviously from investors. Clients are God, but I am an Atheist. To win the hearts of your clients, you need to win the hearts of your employees first. In my 25 years of experience, I have seen companies treating their clients as gods, and their employees as slaves. For such companies, it merely takes 24 hours to replace an employee. The Business Consulting Vs Agency Business. In 1970s & 1980s, Kolkata was the prime location for all big corporate/advertising agency headquarters. It boasted of being a great pool of talent and creativity. Gradually, the big clients shifted to Mumbai, and that made big marketing/advertising agencies shift their headquarters to Mumbai. Subsequently, the talent too shifted to Mumbai. Now over a period of time, all big advertising agencies in Kolkata have either closed shop or shifted, making Kolkata lose its charm and leaving it bereft of brilliant minds.

Now in the 20th century, I see all OEM, trading & manufacturing units’ headquarters moving towards Delhi. India needs a million of digitally skilled resources, and sadly, these are not being developed. The Business Consulting Vs Agency Business ( Cont. — Part 2) How April fool's Day Gave Birth To thedigitalfellow. This company was launched on the 1st of April. Just like we celebrate the day with practical jokes, that’s how I formed this company.

I was frustrated, felt cheated, taken for granted in the jobs I had been doing. That’s how it felt while working with my bosses. I felt they were playing a practical joke on me by running the company the way they were running, and the way they were treating me. The insults and humiliation were brutal. It’s this frustration that made me create thedigitalfellow. So now with Thedigitalfellow in full swing, I will celebrate this day for the rest of my life as the day I proved all those bosses wrong. So I laugh now as my company is the greatest practical joke those people will ever see. The company that is rude and rejects clients but is still bombarded with new qualified leads every day. The company that is running thanks to the culture of its employees and not sales targets. The Golden Ratio : Things you did not know about it. Before I start with the mathematics behind the Golden Ratio, let’s talk about why the Golden Ratio and Gestalt psychology are important in design.

The human brain is a complex structure. We see things that are logic-based and that make sense to the brain. Gestalt psychology explores our cognitive behaviour. Designers borrow from its study of perception and visuality, especially the theory that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. How an ebook can help you build your brand. Firstly, to create an eBook, an enormous amount of knowledge is required. Complex concepts are to be converted into something that is easy to digest for all. This is impossible to do if you don’t understand the concept thoroughly. Secondly, the sample size for any research going into deciding the content of the ebook needs to be much larger. Merely 10–20 lines of something you have newly written won’t help. To bring in seriousness and to actually give value, the knowledge and research has to go a long way.

Thirdly, the sample of people chosen for research have to be aware of the subject matter. For example, when doing research on a steel plant, one shouldn’t send to people a Google doc with a multiple choice questionnaire. Things to Learn From This Digital Fellow. Susanta’s arrival was like the scene from Harry Potter, in which he stole the flying car to get to Hogwarts – a place he always called his home. I had worked with his older brother years ago. Why India talks digital, but acts less. There is no denying in the fact that ‘Digital’ is the latest buzz word that has taken India by storm.

How Websites Get Hacked Because of Silly Loopholes. It was a regular working day. How to Get a Digital Marketing Agency That Understands Your Needs. How to Pick the Right Digital Marketing Agency for Your Business. The Accidental Entrepreneur & His Journey. I am from a middle-class Bengali family. Until I opened my own firm, having my own business was nothing more than a daydream. Evolution & Anatomy of Our Logos. “A logo doesn’t sell (directly) it identifies”, Paul Rand. Linktree: Amazing insights of this marketing game-changer. Who is a Digital Marketing Head and Why You Haven't Found One Yet.

Are you among the ones complaining that you just can’t find the right candidate to head your digital marketing team? A User's Guide to TikTok. What a Website Audit Covers. A Content Creator's Guide to TikTok. Hire a Digital Marketing Team or Outsource to an Agency?: 3 Options for You to Consider. WhatsApp Business: Every reason why brands need this app in 2020. How an Instagram Audit Helps You Convey Your Business and Brand Visually. How Content Auditing Can Shape Your Brand Strategy. Why You Should Get Your Brand's Facebook Assets Audited Today. Website Audit: Is Your Website Suffering from a Lack of Audit? Persona building: Getting into your buyers' minds. 7 Reasons Why Ad Agencies Will Disappear Fast. Revealed: The Digital Fellow's Data-driven Content Marketing Approach.

Content Strategies Blueprint: Your Brand Should Follow. What Brand Custodians Ought to Know about Digital Marketing Agencies. How to Protect Your Business from Degrowth? What Is Digital Brand Audit and Why Do You Need One? How to Manage Business Challenges in Times of Unforeseen Emergency. Should You Be Creating Funnel-wise Content across the PLC Curve? Persona building: Getting into your buyers' minds. 7 Reasons Why Ad Agencies Will Disappear Fast. Revealed: The Digital Fellow's Data-driven Content Marketing Approach. Content Strategies Blueprint: Your Brand Should Follow. What Brand Custodians Ought to Know about Digital Marketing Agencies. How to Protect Your Business from Degrowth? What Is Digital Brand Audit and Why Do You Need One? How to Manage Business Challenges in Times of Unforeseen Emergency. Should You Be Creating Funnel-wise Content across the PLC Curve?

What's the difference between : Ad Agencies vs Consulting Firms ?