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Page de démarrage de Mozilla Firefox. Android Tales » Blog Archive » SOAP in Android. CodingTipsAndTricks - ksoap2-android - a list of miscellaneous tips and tricks - A lightweight and efficient SOAP library for the Android platform. Still missing and waiting for someone to contribute: receiving byte array prevent generation of XML-Tag-Attributes "anyType" receiving and mapping of complex types and lots more. There are a bunch of useful generator tools linked in the left hand panel of the website under Links. Try those to generate sample (or production code) for your webservice. you have to extend Vector an implement KvmSerializable. see also We want to generate this XML in the Request <documentIds> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </documentIds> <pluginType>string</pluginType> <xmlConfiguration>string</xmlConfiguration> As you see, we want to generate an array with the Propertyname "documentIds" which contains strings with the propertyname "string", and to other simple string properties called "pluginType" and "xmlConfiguration". for this you have to generate a class like this: import java.util.Hashtable;import java.util.Vector; pojos.add(Pojo); }}

See Sharp Gears: KSoap Android Web Service Tutorial With Sample Code. A few months ago I was engaged into working with Android and I wanted to make an application that will communicate with the server via .NET SOAP web services, but I soon found out that I will need a library to do the "donkey work for me". Unfortunately, what Visual Studio was doing for me behind the scenes when importing WSDL document, was not present in Android. That means that, I would either parse the WSDL XML myself, or use an external library. After little search, I came up to KSOAP, which looked like a promising library. But soon I got into lot of trouble to make it work. Partly because there was no complete tutorial with the WHOLE sample WORKING code for passing complex objects as parameters and/or arrays as return values (read this post for returning arrays of objects with KSOAP ), I spent many hours debugging exceptions which were filled with nulls and poor documentation in first place.

[Web Method] public Category GetCategoryById(Category C); Now, the actual web service call: Accessing a JAX-WS web service from Android. Overview The article contains the following sections: Pre-requisitesCreating a JAX-WS web serviceInstalling the ADT Eclipse Plugin & SDKCreating an Android projectInstalling the KSoap2-android libraryCreating the LayoutCreating the Activity ClassConfiguring Internet Access PermissionCreating an Android Virtual Device (AVD)Running the Android Client to access the web service Back to top Pre-requisites The article assumes prior knowledge of web services. We shall create a simple JAX-WS web service with a method that takes a name as an argument and returns a Hello greeting. Eclipse IDE An application server that supports JAX-WS web services. To develop an Android client for the web service we would require the following software components.

Eclipse IDEAndroid SDKADT Plugin for EclipseKSoap2-android library Creating a JAX-WS web service A JAX-WS web service essentially consists of a Java class annotated with the javax.jws.WebService annotation, the web service endpoint. Listing 1. Listing 2. Orientation to Android Training.