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School - Gosafeonline. Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts. Tutorials. Online Search. DSLR newbie guide. Functioning Form - Design Comes in Threes. Though the word design gets used to describe lots of things (visual stylings, system architectures, interactivity, etc.), I’ve always considered it to be three things: In particular, a lot of recent articles on Functioning Form have focused on the third point –design is communication- especially as it relates to the strategic value of design.

Functioning Form - Design Comes in Threes

So naturally I found it interesting that when was asked to define design in one sentence each of the panelists in Good Design vs. Great Design emphasized communication: Cameron Moll: Design is about communication but cannot exist without a medium of some sort. Veerle Pieters: Design is away of communicating emotions.

Visuals. It's been almost two years since I wrote this post comparing the approaches to presentation by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.


Since PowerPoint 2007 has been out quite a while now I wondered if Bill Gates' visuals and delivery have improved along with the software. So I watched this entire Bill Gates presentation recently (twice). Color Scheme Designer 3.