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The Angell Law Firm, LLC

At The Angell Law Firm, we take serious accidents seriously. We understand that dealing with an unexpected injury can be painful, stressful, and expensive. If you or someone close to you has been hurt in an unexpected accident, you may be legally entitled to compensation. With our help, personal injury victims may be able to recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and more.


Personal Injury Lawyer Atlanta GA - The Angell Law Firm, LLC. The Angell Law Firm - Atlanta Media Room. The Angell Law Firm, LLC - Personal Injury Lawyer Atlanta. Many people have experienced an injury caused by someone being reckless or careless.

The Angell Law Firm, LLC - Personal Injury Lawyer Atlanta

When this happens, they are inclined to file a lawsuit. Before doing so, it is important to speak with a lawyer. The Angell Law Firm, LLC - Google Maps. The Angell Law Firm, LLC - Workers Compensation Lawyer in Atlanta.