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PBL - Project Based Learning

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Project Based Learning. I’ve been teaching using a project-based learning pedagogy since mid-2010 when I was introduced to PBL by my friend, Dean Groom. Since then I have had some wonderful learning experiences with PBL and I enjoy sharing both my successes and failures and experiments in learning on my blog. I thought it’d be helpful for other people if I put all of my PBL-related posts on one page, just in case you’re starting out and you want to see how another teacher is doing it too.

If you have any questions, just post a comment below or send me a tweet on twitter My VERY first experience with PBL – and it was hard work and had serious issues! My post might help some of your PBL newbies feel less anxious, maybe! This is a reflection on my very first PBL experience with Year 10 – it looks at why it may not have been 100% successful. Explore Online Content with InstaGrok. This is a guest post from Jennifer Carey (@TeacherJenCarey) of EdTechTeacher, an advertiser on this site.

One of the most challenging things to tackle in education today is the glut of information that is available to students right in their pocket! With a few swipes, students can come up with thousands of resources; however, evaluating all of those sources serves as a challenge for students. Enter, instaGrok. InstaGrok is a search engine that brings together information in the form of an interactive mind-map, including text, videos, and more. It is available for free online, iOS App, and Android App. After entering a query, instaGrok creates an interactive mind-map on the topic including multiple sources.

Project Based lLearning | Learn about project based learning on instaGrok, the research engine Students can also keep a journal in their Grok and test themselves with quizzes designed by the Grok engine. Looking to learn more about research or Project Based Learning? What Project-Based Learning Is — and What It Isn’t | PROJECT BASED LEARNING. Screenshot/High Tech High The term “project-based learning” gets tossed around a lot in discussions about how to connect students to what they’re learning. Teachers might add projects meant to illustrate what students have learned, but may not realize what they’re doing is actually called “project-oriented learning.”

And it’s quite different from project-based learning, according to eighth grade Humanities teacher Azul Terronez. Terronez, who teaches at High Tech Middle, a public charter school in San Diego, Calif says that when an educator teaches a unit of study, then assigns a project, that is not project-based learning because the discovery didn’t arise from the project itself. And kids can see through the idea of a so-called “fun project” for what it often is – busy work.

For Terronez, the goal is to always connect classroom learning to its applications in the outside world. When Terronez assigns a writing project, it’s rarely just for a grade. Katrina Schwartz. Project-Based Learning: Success Start to Finish. Must-know Buck Institute Project-Based Learning Resources. Taking the leap and implementing Project-based Learning can be daunting, but there’s no need to panic or go it alone. Buck Institute of Education is the epicenter of PBL with an amazing number of resources and a community of practitioners who are leaders when it comes to sharing ideas and projects related to PBL and spreading the word about the benefits. Here are four ways to improve your instruction that are appropriate for beginners or a great refresher for the more experienced: Make sure students are asking the right questions At the heart of Project-based Learning is the inquiry process. It is the burning question that ignites the critical thinking component of PBL, which is why formulating the question is a crucial task.

Sometimes it is a “rookie mistake” to miss a poorly constructed or an incomplete driving question, but other times, even the most proficient practitioners will fail to recognize a problem with a question until the class is fully immersed in the work. Internet Catalogue.