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A digital fiction: Dynamic Anchors using Javascript and Tinderbox. This entry is a very brief introdcution to one of the ways in which I use Tinderbox to enhance my teaching.

a digital fiction: Dynamic Anchors using Javascript and Tinderbox

Tinderbox is an unusual program in that it provides so a high degree of flexibility that at first (and second) glance it isn't clear how one might even use such software. Tinderbox in many way resembles a database program, but deeper experience with the program reveals the limitations and inaccuracy of such a comparison. In the spring of 2006, I began seriously exploring Tinderbox's capabilities and what I found was a program that could, among other things, help me organize my research, engineer and customize data objects, establish relationships between those data objects, and provide a modular toolset for constructing websites. All of my websites are based on Tinderbox documents, including this blog.

In the winter of 2008, I overhauled the Tinderbox document I use to adminster my course website. This process is nearly identical to the one I use in my own research. Import tinderbox pdf plugin tools scripts - Google Search. Mark Bernstein. Dec0501. By Steve Krug Krug's central point is, essentially, the argument for scrupulous copy editing; by removing every distraction from the reader's path, we have done everything in our power to respect the reader's time and to facilitate understanding.


It is difficult (but necessary) to argue with the common sense of this proposition. It is true that saving unnecessary steps, avoiding unintentional ambiguity, and omitting needless words will make a web page a little more clear and might prevent some misunderstandings. The result, all things being equal, might be a few extra sales and a little extra good will. But all things are not equal, and Krug's underlying premise -- that Web users prefer not to think about what they're seeing or doing, that they don't want to read or reflect -- is simply mistaken. In any case, the goal of a Web site must ultimately be, quite simply, to make people think. The Bauhaus Manifesto claimed that Das Endziel aller bildnerischen Tätigkeit ist der Bau! Donut Age: Tools. California burning Friday, 26 Oct 2007, 12:42 PM (permalink).

Donut Age: Tools

I am in California (Anaheim or to be really precise, Garden Grove) for the Association for Educational Communication and Technology conference. There's an odd disjunction (mentioned by Stephen Downes in his opening keynote Wednesday night) between the sedate academic atmosphere of the conference and the natural disaster taking place all around us. While Anaheim proper has not been hit by the wildfires, you can smell and often see the smoke from them when you are outside. The view flying into John Wayne Airport was even more striking.

It's strange to have that kind of destruction hovering just at the edge of your consciousness while sitting in a presentation on, for example, knowledge life-cycles.... File under: Travel , Academe , Tools . iWhiners Saturday, 6 Oct 2007, 6:04 PM (permalink). Tinderbox Forum - What I found out about dragging text files into TB. Tinderbox Forum - Activating a window for text input. Tinderbox Forum - Collecting linked notes from different containers. Aha, must remember to keep old text files for a few days.

Tinderbox Forum - Collecting linked notes from different containers

I had to rebuild my test file and I'm not sure why it worked before but I now find I need a different syntax as certain intuitive set syntax seems not to work (I'm sure it did but maybe I'm just confused!). It seems you can't do this: $MySet(other note)=$MySet(other note)+"string value" Basically, you can only add or subtract values within the current note, although you can set the current note's set to the value of the same attribute form another note: $MySet=$MySet(other note) So the +, - and ~ operators to add/subtract/toggle values in sets with existing values have to be done in the note. $MySet=$MySet + eval($SomeAttribute) Phew - lots of problems but once you know the syntax, the problem becomes easier.

Tinderbox Forum - Pasting into TBX: best practices? Tinderbox Forum - Linking to multiple documents within a note. Tinderbox Forum - CSS/HTML styles. The HTML export preferences (either via attributes or the tabs in HTML view) are intended to output normal text with bold and italics (as in$Text) and offer some control over HTML paragraph mark-up.

Tinderbox Forum - CSS/HTML styles

The process doesn't attempt to provide fidelity to the full rich text mark-up. You may, of course use inline HTML tags or use macros to add additional text. Using inline styles (i.e. style="" attributes inside tags) in your templates you could capture some of the source font face and size info. As regards exporting CSS, it is simply a matter of making a note with your CSS code, exporting just the ^text^ and setting '.css' as the exported file's extension. Bear in mind that the location at export of your CSS file will be as per its location within the TBX. Tinderbox Forum - linking to words within a note.