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Where Good Ideas Come From [VIDEO] Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from. Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine. World. Cours Excel - Astuces - Macros - Trucs - Applications - VBA. EBSCOhost: Open Innovation: Past Research, Current Debates, and Future Directions. Dr. Robert Cooper Keynote Address: Part 1. Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs. Video/Audio - View All Video/Audio. The 4-Hour Workweek.

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (2007) is a self-help book by Timothy Ferriss, an American writer, educational activist and entrepreneur.[1] The book has spent more than four years on the The New York Times Best Seller list, has been translated into 35 languages and has sold more than 1,350,000 copies worldwide.[2][3][4] It focuses on what Ferriss refers to as "lifestyle design" and a repudiation of the traditional "deferred" life plan in which people work grueling hours and take few vacations for decades and save money in order to relax after retirement.

Background[edit] Ferriss developed the ideas present in The 4-Hour Workweek while working 14-hour days at his sports nutrition supplement company, BrainQUICKEN.[5] Frustrated by the overwork and lack of free time, Ferriss took a 3-week sabbatical to Europe. Synopsis[edit] Elimination is about time management, or rather about not managing time. Blog[edit] Reception[edit] Charity donation[edit] Emerald | Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal | Table of contents | Volume 17 issue 3.