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How to (Properly) Use Tumblr to Market Your Brand. According to comScore’s State of the U.S. Social Network Market, Tumblr is one of the most consistently growing social networks out there. In December 2011 it had 15.9 million U.S. visitors, which is up from November 2010. Most of that growth has occurred since April 2011. But this is not just about sheer number of visitors.

The amount of time that visitors spend on Tumblr averages around 2.4 hours a month, making it only second to Facebook in terms of user engagement. Facebook visitors spend 6.6 hours a month on the site. This means that you need to start considering how to fit Tumblr in to your content marketing strategy. What is Tumblr Tumblr is basically a micro-blogging platform with a twist…it’s perfect for posting short bits of content like photos, charts, quotes or videos. Tumblr allows you to choose your own themes, and you can choose to post content from the typical top-to-bottom format or collage format like Vintage Gals: Who Visits Tumblr Who Uses Tumblr Tag Your Posts Conclusion. Tumblr… For Business? | Internet Marketing Magazine. While Tumblr may not be the social media leader when you compare it to Facebook, Twitter and Google+, there is still room to utilize the blogging site for your business or company. Tumblr will allow you to not only showcase your products and gains follows, but it will let you connect with customers through the use of images, videos and other media outlets.

To put it simply, Tumblr is an image blogging site. Through Tumblr’s emphasis on visual media, businesses can increase online marketing efforts and share content that relates directly to the demographic they are looking to reach. Tumblr shares may perks of Twitter, Instagram and other blogging sites but lets users subscribes to blogs they wish to follow and the content produced in that blog is directly fed to users homepage – which resembles a news-feed like Twitter. With the sites spike in popularity last year, many brands are turning to the site to draw in key users who are outside the Facebook & Twitter “bubble”. Tutorial Posts. 4 Ways to Get More Followers on Tumblr. Steps Method 1 of 4: Be an Active Tumblr Member 1Like posts. Liking other people's posts gives off the impression that you're sociable and ready to interact with other users online. On Tumblr, you can like a page by clicking on the heart icon that appears on the bottom right-hand corner of the main dashboard.The more posts you like, the more likely (pun intended) you are to receive likes in return!

7Be on as often as possible. Method 2 of 4: Post Wisely 1Pick a topic. 6Tag your posts. Method 3 of 4: Advertise Outside of Tumblr 1Ask your friends and family to follow you. 3Use a promotion blog. Method 4 of 4: Make your Tumblr More Visually Appealing 1Post pictures. 2Use custom themes. Tips If you're having trouble figuring out what to post, look at other Tumblr blogs for inspiration.

Ad. Tumblr 2012: guide d'utilisation pour un usage professionnel. Tumblr. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. tumblr. Tumblr, est une plate-forme de microblogage, via le principe du reblogage principalement. Elle a été créée en 2007 et permet à l'utilisateur de poster du texte, des images, des vidéos, des liens et des sons sur son tumblelog.

Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] David Karp (octobre 2007) En décembre 2010, Sequoia Capital injecte environ 30 millions de dollars dans Tumblr, dans lequel les sociétés Spark Capital et Union Square Ventures ont déjà investi[6]. Début février 2011, une interface en français de Tumblr a été lancée à l'attention des internautes francophones[1]. En août 2011, s'apprêtant à lever de nouveaux fonds (de 75 millions à 100 millions de dollars), Tumblr a été valorisé à 800 millions de dollars[7].

Selon le site The Next Web, le nombre de comptes a doublé en un an et compte aujourd’hui plus de 100 millions de blogs avec plus de 44,6 milliards de billets postés depuis sa création en 2007[8]. En mai 2013, Yahoo! Tumblr : enjeux et intérêts pour les marques.