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Getting started with Nexus maven repository manager - Andrej Koelewijn. Nexus is a maven repository manager.

Getting started with Nexus maven repository manager - Andrej Koelewijn

You can use Nexus to host your own maven repository for artifact created in your company, or for caching external artifacts. Getting started with Nexus is pretty easy. Download the application. The package contains a webserver, so you don’t have to have a java container running. Simply unpack the downloaded archive and start the applications: cd nexus/nexus-webapp-1.5.0/bin/jsw/linux-x86-32/ nexus start Nexus has a web interface for managing your maven repository.

According to the Nexus documentation you need to enable remote index downloads on a new installation, but it seems that this has been removed in the latest Nexus release. Centralized Logging - Jason Wilder's Blog. Logs are a critical part of any system, they give you insight into what a system is doing as well what happened.

Centralized Logging - Jason Wilder's Blog

Virtually every process running on a system generates logs in some form or another. Usually, these logs are written to files on local disks. When your system grows to multiple hosts, managing the logs and accessing them can get complicated. Searching for a particular error across hundreds of log files on hundreds of servers is difficult without good tools. A common approach to this problem is to setup a centralized logging solution so that multiple logs can be aggregated in a central location. So what are your options? File Replication. Mashape-oauth/ at master · Mashape/mashape-oauth. Building RPMs in Hudson or Jenkins. Hudson and Jenkins offer a great way to automate just about any type of build you can imagine.

Building RPMs in Hudson or Jenkins

Creating artifacts is a piece of cake, but what if you want to create full packages? On this one page I go through the why and the how of using Hudson and Jenkins for RPM creation. We'll use the command line way of building RPMs. Maven can also be used for this task; this is certainly worth investigating if you're already building around this technology, but it does reduce the flexibility somewhat. Why Use RPMs in the First Place? If you've arrived at this page, you're probably already using Hudon/Jenkins, and may have set up automated builds with these tools.

In our software engineering world, you're probably comfortable with the concept of loose coupling. Developing story[ 지식공유공간 - 소프트웨어는 공유하면서 발전한다.] 이번엔 간단한 Mybatis 연동을 알아보자.

Developing story[ 지식공유공간 - 소프트웨어는 공유하면서 발전한다.]

연동하고 데이터를 받는것에는 여러가지 방법이 있지만 우선 디비 연동의 기본 틀만 알아보도록 하자. Jersey + Spring integration example. Bruce Phillips Blog on Java, ColdFusion, Flex and Spry: Using Jersey (RESTful Web Services) and Spring (Dependency Injection) Together. Introduction I worked on a project that uses Jersey RESTful web services that depend on other classes to do the actual work.

Bruce Phillips Blog on Java, ColdFusion, Flex and Spry: Using Jersey (RESTful Web Services) and Spring (Dependency Injection) Together

For example a web service that uses a data access object to get information out of a data repository. Since I like to use Spring to manage dependencies between classes, I needed to learn how to integrate Spring and Jersey. This article assumes you know how to use Jersey and Spring (if you don't check out all the references below). JSON example with Jersey + Jackson. Jersey uses Jackson to convert object to / form JSON.

JSON example with Jersey + Jackson

In this tutorial, we show you how to convert a “Track” object into JSON format, and return it back to user. 1. Dependency. Maven을 이용한 Eclipse Dynamic Web App 생성 방법. Maven에서 제공하는 maven-archetype-webapp 의 경우, 최신 eclipse인 JUNO와 tomcat7에서 동작하지 않는 문제가 있다.

maven을 이용한 Eclipse Dynamic Web App 생성 방법

기본적으로, java 버젼을 1.4로, jst.web 버젼을 2.4로 잡아버리기 때문에 발생하는 문제인데, 이를 해결하기 위해서는 m2eclipse와 같은 eclipse plug-in을 이용하는 방법이 주로 추천되고 있다. maven을 오래 사용한 것은 아니지만, 일단 eclipse plugin을 사용하는 것보다는 console을 이용하는 것이 좀 더 나아보인다. test, deploy 등의 작업을 좀 더 편하게 할 수 있고, m2eclipse를 사용하더라도 손으로 하나하나 다시 설정을 잡아줘야지 되는 불편함이 존재하기 때문에, pom 자체를 이용해서 이를 수정해주는 것이 더 나아보이기 때문이다. 단계는 다음과 같다. (자바세상의 빌드를 이끄는 메이븐 을 보면서 공부를 해서... 예시는 책에 나온 wikibook을 사용한다.) 메이븐과 연동해서 스프링 프로파일 설정하기. Maven Getting Started - 통합 개발 환경 - Confluence. Maven 기본 정보 자바지기가 생각하는 Maven 스터디 순서.

Maven Getting Started - 통합 개발 환경 - Confluence

Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM. By Dio Synodinos on Oct 09, 2012 | Web application frameworks are designed to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications and web services, by alleviating the overhead associated with commonly performed activities, boilerplate code, etc.

Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM

For example, many frameworks provide facilities for database access, templating, session management, and more. Since the early days of Java, there have been many frameworks and libraries that have tried to improve web developers productivity and this trend has continued with JVM languages like Groovy, Scala, JRuby, Clojure, and more. Using the new community research tool, we at InfoQ want to get YOUR opinions on the relative importance and maturity of a variety of web frameworks that are targeted for the JVM. Please vote by dragging each practice across two dimensions – how important is the framework relative to the other frameworks, and how much is it actually used in real teams and projects. The frameworks are: G1: Java's Garbage First Garbage Collector.