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Radiation in cigarettes

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Radiation-dosage-chart.png (940×2362) Big Tobacco covered up radiation danger. TOBACCO companies have covered up for 40 years the fact that cigarette smoke contains a dangerous radioactive substance that exposes heavy smokers to the radiation equivalent of having 300 chest X-rays a year.

Big Tobacco covered up radiation danger

Internal company records reveal that cigarette manufacturers knew that tobacco contained polonium-210 but avoided drawing public attention to the fact for fear of "waking a sleeping giant". Polonium-210 emits alpha radiation estimated to cause about 11,700 lung cancer deaths each year worldwide. Russian dissident and writer Alexander Litvinenko died after being poisoned with polonium-210 in 2006. The polonium-210 in tobacco plants comes from high-phosphate fertilisers used on crops. The fertiliser is manufactured from rocks that contain radioisotopes such as polonium-210 (PO-210). Radioactive Cigarette - Marlboro vs. American Spirit. Tobacco's natural radiation dose higher than after Chernobyl - health - 02 June 2007.