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The Dangers Of Polystyrene - Business Barbados. Many people are not aware of the harmful effects of Polystyrene, (including myself until very recently). This article aims to highlight some of the dangers, both to our health and to the environment. Polystyrene is one of those materials that’s everywhere around us. Polystyrene is an inexpensive and hard plastic and probably only polyethylene is more common in your everyday life. Did you know that the outside housing of your computer is probably made of polystyrene, as well as the housings of things like hairdryers, TVs and kitchen appliances?

Model cars and airplanes are made from polystyrene, as well as many other toys. Polystyrene is also used to make drinking cups and food containers – the hard plastic ones and also the soft foamy ones. It takes at least 500 years to decompose When polystyrene is sent to the landfill, it is quickly covered and this process deprives it of water and oxygen, which would normally help it to break down. Do not microwave food in Polystyrene containers Related. Timeline Photos. Timeline Photos.

Timeline Photos. Dead Doctors Dont Lie Dr Joel Wallach Longevity Youngevity, ALL DISEASES CURED. Russian Scientists Warn - Toxic Rain Could Destroy North America Due to use of COREXIT! Broadcast Yourself. Broadcast Yourself. A cancer-causing additive has been found in certain snacks. Body Pollution, Chemical Toxicity. Toxic Ingredients in Everyday Care Products. Toxic Cosmetics.

Flouride is poopy cuck!

Toxic Chemicals in Products: Financial Risks & Opportunities. Pesticide Exposure Found to Lower Intelligence. Pesticides, ubiquitous among not only the food supply but farms and homes worldwide, have been found to be creating lasting changes in overall brain structure — changes that have been linked to lower intelligence levels and decreased cognitive function. Previously linked in scientific research to the massive obesity crisis, pesticides are now known to impact the mind in ways that are still not entirely understood. Despite these findings, they are continually touted as safe by the profit-hungry chemical industry. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, observed pregnant mothers in New York who were exposed to a pesticide known as chlorpyrifos (CPF).

Banned in 2001 from household use, the chemical is still used worldwide in agriculture. That’s right, this is a chemical that is not permitted to be used in your home, though it is perfectly fine to spray on your food. From around the web: