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Got a PUStache? The truth about PUS in pasteurized milk. Obama agency rules Pepsi's use of aborted fetal cells in soft drinks constitutes 'ordinary business operations' Consumer Reports Investigation of Pork Products Finds Potentially Harmful Bacteria?Most of Which Show Resistance to Important Antibiotics: Consumer Reports. Yersinia enterocolitica found in 69 percent of 198 pork samples tested; Low levels of the drug ractopamine discovered in about one-fifth of 240 additional pork products analyzed YONKERS, NY — In testing and analysis of pork-chop and ground-pork samples from six U.S. cities, Consumer Reports found high rates of yersinia enterocolitica, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning, especially in children.

The majority of the yersinia and as well as a substantial portion of several other bacteria detected were resistant to medically important antibiotics Consumer Reports tested. “Antibiotics are routinely fed to healthy animals at low levels. This practice promotes the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria which are a major public health concern,” said Dr. Urvashi Rangan, Director of Safety and Sustainability at Consumer Reports. “Infections caused by resistant bacteria are more difficult to treat and can lead to increased suffering and costs.” Consumer Reports Findings A Call to Action. Extra-caffeinated soda and chemical sweeteners for breakfast? PepsiCo introduces 'Kickstart' soda for people who absolutely hate themselves.

(NaturalNews) Ah, there's nothing like a heavy dose of caffeine, corn syrup and highly acidic phosphoric acid in the morning. And bringing it to you is none other than PepsiCo, the company that habitually uses aspartame, MSG and GMOs across its product line. Apparently drinking an aspartame-laced, caffeine-spiked soda for lunch and dinner isn't enough: PepsiCo wants to own your breakfast, too.

This new "Kickstart" soda reportedly is made with 5% juice (meaning it's 95% corn syrup, phosphoric acid and other ingredients). But here's where the laughter really begins: According to the FDA, a beverage containing at least 5% juice isn't considered a "soda. " It's actually JUICE! Yep, this means Kickstart can be served to your children in public school, because it's "not soda" according to the agreement between the FDA and the soda industry.

Except, of course, it is 95% soda. Oh, it gets even better. Does this mean NY mayor Michael Bloomberg will let you buy an extra large cup of it? P.S. Is The Dietitians’ Trade Group in Bed with the Junk Food Industry? | Food Revolution Network BlogFood Revolution Network Blog. New The largest trade group of nutrition professionals—the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics—has a serious credibility problem. The Academy represents 74,000 dietitians in the United States, and its mission is to promote optimal nutrition and well being for all people.

But according to an explosive report released by Food Revolution Summit speaker Michele Simon and her organization, the industry watchdog Eat Drink Politics, the Academy is sponsored by folks like ConAgra, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Kellogg’s, Mars, and the National Dairy Council. Some Academy sponsors can become an “Academy Partner,” which entitles them to “educate” nutrition professionals about the health benefits of their products, co-sponsor events, and conduct educational sessions at meetings. They also can use the Academy’s logo in marketing campaigns. Fortunately, not all dietitians pass on the propaganda of the Academy’s sponsors.

Contrandications don't mix this with that!

Food That Kills - Full Documentary. Healthy Alkaline Water. Bottled water contains disinfection byproducts, fertilizer residue, and pain medication October 2008 Authors: Olga Naidenko, PhD, Senior Scientist; Nneka Leiba, MPH, Researcher; Renee Sharp, MS, Senior Scientist; Jane Houlihan, MSCE, Vice President for Research The bottled water industry promotes an image of purity, but comprehensive testing by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals a surprising array of chemical contaminants in every bottled water brand analyzed, including toxic byproducts of chlorination in Walmart’s Sam’s Choice and Giant Supermarket's Acadia brands, at levels no different than routinely found in tap water.

Several Sam's Choice samples purchased in California exceeded legal limits for bottled water contaminants in that state. Unlike tap water, where consumers are provided with test results every year, the bottled water industry does not disclose the results of any contaminant testing that it conducts. Figure 1.

Arsenic aww shiiit!

The Link Between Alzheimer's Disease and Popcorn Flavoring. Aspartame. Microwave test – an eye opener | Employee News. Very interesting!!!! Is it time to act??????? Below is a Science fair project presented by a girl in a secondary school in Sussex. In it she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water may be compromised by microwave.

As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference, after the experiment which was repeated by her class mates a number of times and had the same result. It has been known for some years that the problem with microwaved anything is not the radiation people used to worry about, it’s how it corrupts the DNA in the food so the body can not recognize it. FORENSIC RESEARCH DOCUMENT Prepared By: William P. 1).