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Latest natural health news around the world. Natural health magazine with new stories. Natural health tips and solutions including analysis and opinion on top health stories with best features of well-being.

7 Days Rice Diet Plan and Its Benefits. Rice diet is a healthy diet.

7 Days Rice Diet Plan and Its Benefits

Fruits, grains and high fiber vegetables make up the bulk of the diet. Rice diet is low in fat and also in salt. Daily rice diet contain 800 calories per day which is very low. A diet which is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low in sugar these are prevent you from many health problems like cancer, heart problems, diabetes and hypertension. Your daily meal should not different from phase one. Favorite Picks From The Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick Madness! Since it’s all about liquid lipsticks everywhere I picked up some of Colourpop’s best liquid lipsticks that I love these days.

Favorite Picks From The Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick Madness!

I would pick these over MAC or any other high end brand simply because of the amazing color selection. The formula is a little on the drier side but the color selection is to die for. I have never seen so much variation and such amazing colors in any of the brands so far. Colourpop scores 5/5 when it comes to developing beautiful shades whereas, they need to strengthen their grip when it comes to formula. I feel that they have improved the formula on their recent launches. Here are my top picks from the Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick line: From left to right: Picture Ouiji, Instigator, Bumble, 1st Base, Clueless, Tulle, Kapow, Beeper 1. 2. 3. 4. 1St Base – Perfect candy pink shade. Best Vitamins for Glowing Skin and Hair loss.

Epididymitis is that infection in which irritation of the epididymis tube set at the back of the testicles.

Best Vitamins for Glowing Skin and Hair loss

Tube conveys and stores the semen. The epididymis is a firm tube that dishonesties on the back of the superficial of every testicle. It is coiled in direction to fit a length of closely 20 feet into a small space. It is mutual at the age of 19 to 35. It is the greatest faint and delicate part of a man’s body, testicles could be infected by diseases and problems similar to other body parts. Natural Remedies for Epididymitis The cure of epididymitis is contingent on the distinctiveness of the germs. Cranberry This cranberry can destroy the germs which can cause infection. Turmeric Turmeric best Herbal Supplement for Epididymitis It can decrease the inflammatory reactions of the body cells to bacterial attacks. Horsetail Epididymitis Natural Treatment with the Horsetail herb has many antibacterial properties that prevent you from further spread of the infection.

Garlic Drumstick. Best Vitamins for Glowing Skin and Hair loss. Skin Care Product Analysis. We won’t obviously say if you love your skin, then this section is for you because we know how much you already love your skin and that’s the reason why you browsed in here.

Skin Care Product Analysis

So, yeah girls! This is the section for you where you will find skin product analysis on so many skin care products that have been tried and tested by our beauty editor as well as get to know skin care tips. Who doesn’t want to reach to the best products without being a guinea pig themselves? Vitamins for Glowing Skin to Make Your Skin Glow. Vitamins play a very important role in making our body fit.

Vitamins for Glowing Skin to Make Your Skin Glow

They are natural compounds that our body requirement in small amounts for good metabolism, health maintenance and growth. They are key ingredients so the body would work accurately. Without them, your body will slow down, and worst, cease. Weight Loss Diet Plan for Men That Can Help You Lose Weight. Most men who go on a weight loss diet plan make it up as they go along.

Weight Loss Diet Plan for Men That Can Help You Lose Weight

They may reduce one food from their normal intake, or they may just start working out a small harder. The truth is that there is a lot more science behind dieting than that, and if you are a man, then you need to be looking at Diet Plans for Men in exacting. Weight Loss Diet Tips for the Summer - Healthy Diet Tips. Are you looking to Weight Loss Diet Tips for the Summer?

Weight Loss Diet Tips for the Summer - Healthy Diet Tips

How many pounds do you need to lose? Why do you need Food so seriously to lose weight during the summer? Is it all about the sun and the shiny beaches? Or are you just dreaming about buying trendy swimwear? Oh, don’t tell me it is all about a trendy bathing suit! 7 Anti-Aging Beauty Treatments You Can Make at Home. Every woman has the desire to prolong her youth and prevent aging to as long as possible.

7 Anti-Aging Beauty Treatments You Can Make at Home

Each person will have her way to keep her beauty. Some women choose to spend a lot of money on spas or clinics, while others decide to buy expensive skin care products to keep their youth. And there are a few that prefer to use home remedies with the natural ingredients available in the refrigerator to beautify. Over time, effective home remedies are preferred by women because they have not only low cost but also safe and have virtually no side effects as unlike commercial cosmetics providing vitamins for beauty care fast but easily lost over time, natural ingredients in the home supplement the active vitamins to your skin and provide long-lasting effects.

Nowadays there are hundreds, even thousands of different beauty recipes that are promised to be highly effective in the fight against aging for women. 1. Natural Health Solutions.