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Agregadores de contenido. 7ª Jornada RBIC.Curación de contenidos en la era de la infoxicación / Javier Guallar. El Centro de Operaciones de tu Social Media Plan en 5 pasos. Tienes un proyecto de marketing online entre manos y has comenzado por analizar el contexto en el que se desenvuelve la marca (empresa:producto o servicio/marca personal): tienes analizado el mercado, la competencia y sus clientes potenciales, el público al que vas a dirigirte y te has marcado unos objetivos claros (y medibles, por supuesto) y la línea de tu estrategia.

El Centro de Operaciones de tu Social Media Plan en 5 pasos

Entonces ha llegado el momento de estructurar tu Centro de Operaciones para ejecutar tu Social Media Plan. Para ello, deberás seleccionar los canales que vas a utilizar y las herramientas que te ayudarán a conseguir tus objetivos; dentro de lo que Isra García llama el Ecosistema Social Media nos encontramos rodeados de un sinfín de plataformas, herramientas, canales… y cada vez que nos enfrentamos a un nuevo proyecto es necesario que nos replanteemos qué canales y medios vamos a utilizar y las herramientas, puesto que cada proyecto es único y no sirve copiar lo que hagamos en un proyecto para todos los que ejecutemos. The 5 Models Of Content Curation.

Curation has always been an underrated form of creation.

The 5 Models Of Content Curation

The Getty Center in Los Angeles is one of the most frequently visited museums in America – and started as a private art collection from one man (J. Paul Getty) who had a passion for art. Aside from a few well known examples like this one, however, the term curation has rarely been used outside of the world of art … until now. One of the hottest trends in social media right now is content curation – thanks in no small part to the leading efforts of several thought leaders actively promoting the idea. Content Curation: Beyond the Institutional Repository and Library Archives - Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians. If you are an academic librarian, you have been hearing about Data Curation, Content Curation, Information Curation or Digital Curation for years.

Content Curation: Beyond the Institutional Repository and Library Archives - Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians

And the terms can be applied in several different ways. There are the curation activities surrounding purchased library materials and the curation of faculty and student items (like theses and dissertations for example). Archivists have been intimately involved with all sorts of curation activities since archives existed, and were early adopters of digital curation and finding aids for the items they maintained. Most recently, Data Curation has been in the forefront of librarian discussions in response to government mandates to make research information widely available; first with the medical field, and more recently with the National Science Foundation requirements for data curation plans in all NSF grants. 11 Best Practices for More Effective Content Curation. Our content curation objectives focus on keeping our broader prospect/customer/partner/pipeline network engaged with value-added content.

11 Best Practices for More Effective Content Curation

We also hope it helps drive increased, pass-along awareness for other brands. These best practices are based primarily on what we do at Heinz Marketing, plus what we’ve seen scale well in the curation efforts of our clients and partners. Lecturas recomendadas de curation 2. 5 websites we love that use Content Curation. When talking about Content Curation, people usually associate it with Huffington Post, thanks to all the polemics they triggered when they first launched.

5 websites we love that use Content Curation

Together with BuzzFeed, these are the most famous exponents of the content curation gone mainstream. But they are not the only ones that usually drink from the content curation sources. 5 websites we love that use Content Curation In this article, we list some of our favorite websites that use content curation and use it well to generate engaging content. 11 best practices for more effective content curation. Our content curation objectives focus on keeping our broader prospect/customer/partner/pipeline network engaged with value-added content.

11 best practices for more effective content curation

We also hope it helps drive increased, pass-along awareness for other brands. These best practices are based primarily on what we do at Heinz Marketing, plus what we’ve seen scale well in the curation efforts of our clients and partners. With that in mind, here’s what we recommend for more effective content curation. 1) Be intentional about your themes & topics . Stay reasonably focused on a small handful of themes, but make sure the body of work reflects the human element as well. 2) Pull from a consistent set of sources (to save you time). You’ll likely encounter good content from all over the place, but identify a core set of sources you can count on for both consistently good content as well as a variety of sources of similarly-themed content. 3) Use an automated queuing and distribution system . 4) Always give credit back to the publisher. Read more :

Content Curation Tools: 21 Criteria To Select And Evaluate Your Ideal One. Nonetheless we are just at the beginning of a new era, in which content curation will be as important as search, there is already an apparent abundance of content curation tools of all kinds.

Content Curation Tools: 21 Criteria To Select And Evaluate Your Ideal One

Photo credit: Hand filling out checklist on clipboard with a pen by Shutterstock To the superficial eye, many such curation tools also appear to be very similar to one another, especially if evaluated exclusively from the type of news streams or visual collections that can be produced with them. On the other hand it is not realistic for someone to go out and test each and every one of the available solutions. For these reasons, it is quite difficult and time consuming to select and identify the most appropriate content curation tool for a specific need and as a consequence most rely on the tools they have tried and that satisfy their basic needs but remain quite ignorant about what options they are leaving on the table only because they have not yet tried them.

Los content curators

7 Tactics For Content Curation Success. Content curation success depends on discovering, selecting and packaging high value, sharable information that’s relevant to a specific audience.

7 Tactics For Content Curation Success

While not created from scratch, curated content is key to marketers’ content offerings. Content curation accounts for 25% of the content marketing mix according to Curata research. Content curation is a form of lean content, a well-established business model. It’s central to Top 40 radio and their Internet counterparts where the top hits of a specific musical genre are played. In the process, DJs become music curators whose tastes and commentary appeal to a target audience. Why use curated content instead of creating original content? Because it doesn’t cost a ton of money since it leverages public domain or cheaply available information. "Mavensol": ¿ERES UN BUEN CONTENT CURATOR? ¿CÓMO APRENDER Y CÓMO ENSEÑAR A CURAR CONTENIDOS? Estamos en la era digital y en este mundo que cambia con tanta rapidez, que nos hace estar en constante adaptación, que nos lleva a nuevas formas de comunicación a través de múltiples dispositivos, herramientas, redes, etc, en el que la información es cada vez mas compleja... es necesario hacer una gestión eficaz, en nuestra vida cotidiana, de todo este flujo masivo de contenidos, ideas e informaciones.


Se impone pues, la necesidad de “la curación de contenidos”. En la curación de contenidos buscamos, recopilamos, seleccionamos, filtramos y elaboramos contenidos que versan sobre temas concretos, para posteriormente compartirlos y seguir generando nuevos conocimientos, suscitando nuevas interpretaciones, puntos de vista... En este proceso de investigación, análisis, selección y recomendación de contenidos, el “curador” se convierte en una pieza clave. *Agregación.