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Development. Forum. GNU Bash Reference Manual - Table of Contents. This text is a brief description of the features that are present in the Bash shell (version 3.2, 28 September 2006). This is Edition 3.2, last updated 28 September 2006, of The GNU Bash Reference Manual, for Bash, Version 3.2. Bash contains features that appear in other popular shells, and some features that only appear in Bash. Some of the shells that Bash has borrowed concepts from are the Bourne Shell (‘sh’), the Korn Shell (‘ksh’), and the C-shell (‘csh’ and its successor, ‘tcsh’). The following menu breaks the features up into categories based upon which one of these other shells inspired the feature. This manual is meant as a brief introduction to features found in Bash. The Bash manual page should be used as the definitive reference on shell behavior. This text is a brief description of the features that are present in the Bash shell (version 3.2, 28 September 2006).

Tips For Linux - Home. Linux Tutorial. Learning the shell. Why do you need to learn the command line anyway? Well, let me tell you a story. Not long ago we had a problem where I used to work. There was a shared drive on one of our file servers that kept getting full. I won't mention that this legacy operating system did not support user quotas; that's another story. But the server kept getting full and stopping people from working. Du -s * | sort -nr > $HOME/space_report.txt Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are helpful for many tasks, but they are not good for all tasks. I once heard an author remark that when you are a child you use a computer by looking at the pictures.