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Pallet Gardening: For those living in apartments or small spaces. Just because you might be living in an apartment doesn't mean you still can't grown a decent "Small Space Garden". If fact quite the opposite in my opinion. Sure viable planting space may be a challenge, but it's not reason why you or anyone else for that matter can't have some type of garden even on your balcony if you have one. Using pallets is so convenient and affordable. Most pallets will fit perfectly on most people's balconies. They don't require much space and you can grow many types of herbs and even add flowers to brighten up your living space. For this project, you’ll need the pallet you found, 2 large bags of potting soil, tube of plastic, and two six packs per opening on the top of the completed pallet garden), a small roll of landscape fabric, a staple gun, staples, and sand paper.

Staple down the landscape fabric your staple gun. This part can become a little messy. Pallet gardening is an excellent way to grow herbs as well. Caring For your Pallet Happy gardening! One Hundred Dollars a Month. Buy Organic, Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid, Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Online | The Urban Organic Gardening Blog | Urban Organic Gardener | Grow Organic Food. Green Living. ::  Welcome to  Good Girl Gone Green  Website   ::