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Live Green - Top 5 Reasons Why Cast Iron Is The Greenest Choice For... - StumbleUpon. Dependable, that’s what cast iron is. It will last for centuries if properly cared for, and it has a natural non-stick surface that’s eco-friendly. Dependable, that’s what cast iron is. It will last for centuries if properly cared for, and it has a natural non-stick surface that’s eco-friendly. When I was a bride, my Granny gave me two of her cast iron skillets. A tiny, 6 inch one for making cornbread for two; and a 12 inch skillet for everything else. She told me all I’d ever need to be a good cook was those two skillets, a sauce pan, a stock pot and a casserole dish. And in a pinch, she said, I didn’t really even need the casserole. Cast iron has been around for hundreds of years. If you don’t already have a cast iron skillet, here are a few reasons to go to your nearest resale shop or garage sale and begin looking for one.

Top 5 Reasons Why Cast Iron Cookware Is So Green... Eco-easy clean up. It’s good for you. How To Properly Season Cast Iron Cookware Caring For Your Cast Iron Cookware. Stolen Camera Finder - find your photos, find your camera. Metlife Foundation: Remember Me. - StumbleUpon.

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