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Hetherington has been providing industry leading services and expertise in the resources industry within Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region for over 30 years.

January - February 2021 Updates. Staff Promotions Congratulations to our team members Sara Winton and Monique Blitvic on being promoted to their new roles.

January - February 2021 Updates

Sara will be a Managing Consultant and Monique an Assistant Consultant both based in our Perth office. We appreciate all great work you do here at Hetherington. Please visit our website to learn more about each of our wonderful team members South Australia Legislative changes. November 2020 Updates - Hetherington Tenement Consultant. WA Mining Club WA Mining Club Monthly luncheon was held on October 22nd and attended by Sara Winton and Georgia Ford for Hetherington.

November 2020 Updates - Hetherington Tenement Consultant

Peter Kerr of Mount Gibson Iron gave his insights on the previous WA Mining Club Scholarship winners and the roles they have attained. The 2020 recipients were also announced today. Hetherington Mining & Exploration. There is a long history of gold discovery and gold exploration in Australia, however there are contrasting reports as to where gold was first discovered in the country.

Hetherington Mining & Exploration

According to some records, gold was first discovered in 1851 near Orange in New South Wales. Others argue that that was the first ‘payable’ gold discovery, whereas gold had previously been found near Bathurst in New South Wales in 1823. Depending on where you are sourcing your information, you might also find an argument that the first discovery of gold was in 1847, near Beaconsfield in Tasmania. Recent Mining Legislative Reform: Explained - Hetherington. Some countries around the world have recently introduced mining and environmental legislative reform.

Recent Mining Legislative Reform: Explained - Hetherington

The reforms have typically been in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. More recently, both small businesses and big businesses were impacted by COVID-19 in 2020. Extensive lockdowns, uncertainty about the future, health concerns, some inability to proceed with international trade, and changes to the way consumers spend their time and money, has impacted the success of many companies. In fact, many industries in countries around the world are still facing a downfall as a result of the pandemic. Although the widespread use of a vaccine sounds promising, it is not known how long it will take for the global economy to recover. Is Western Australia Experiencing a Mining Boom? - Hetherington.

In late 2019, reports suggested that Western Australia was experiencing a mining boom, with more people being employed in the mining industry than in the few years prior.

Is Western Australia Experiencing a Mining Boom? - Hetherington

Naturally, the state does fluctuate with mining employment and activity in the mining sector, and this is sometimes referred to as a boom-bust cycle. Currently, there are still nearly 100,000 individuals employed in mining in Western Australia, though this is a small decrease from 2019. Arguably, the slightly slower/reduced mining activity suggests that the peak of this boom has now somewhat passed.

This, of course, isn’t the first time there has been a downfall (bust) for Western Australia’s mining sector. What Is the Independent Planning Commission? - Hetherington. Most people in the community may have never heard of the Independent Planning Commission (IPC), however individuals and companies in the mining, environment and exploration industry are likely to have a deep understanding of their work as it directly impacts the initiation of mining projects across New South Wales.

What Is the Independent Planning Commission? - Hetherington

The Independent Planning Commission state that they are an independent agency who have been established to “build community confidence” and consider public opinion in the decision-making processes for major development and land-use plans. As a standalone agency, separate to the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment, they are responsible for applying large scrutiny to all major developments in their state. The IPC typically investigates the development and land-use applications that have either: 50 or more public objections to the application; a reportable political donation association with the project; objection from the local Council. Changes to the AEA Framework in South Australia - Hetherington. The South Australian Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) has commenced the process of transitioning existing Amalgamated Expenditure Arrangements (AEA) to the new regulatory framework following changes to the Mining Act 1971 (SA) and commencement of the new Mining Regulations 2020 (SA) on 1 January 2021.

Changes to the AEA Framework in South Australia - Hetherington

For those not familiar with exploration practices in South Australia, an AEA allows a title holder to amalgamate the required expenditure for a group of Exploration Licences such that the expenditure may be spent anywhere across the group of Exploration Licences as agreed with the DEM. Revised Practice Directions for the Kalgoorlie and Leonora Wardens Court. The Kalgoorlie and Leonora Wardens Court have released new Practice Directions for 2021, effective from 22 February 2021.

Revised Practice Directions for the Kalgoorlie and Leonora Wardens Court

Lodging Minutes of Consent to Adjourn The new Practice Directions require all minutes of consent to adjourn matters before the Warden to be filed no later than midday, 7 days before the relevant mention date. Under the new Practice Directions, the Kalgoorlie and Leonora Wardens Court require details as to why particular consent orders are sought to accompany any minute of consent filed for an adjournment.

Time Sought for Adjournments New Practice Direction 1C requests that parties seek adjournments to future dates sufficiently far in advance to allow for a “realistic prospect of resolution” and to avoid “unrealistically short adjournments”. Mining Application - Hetherington. Mining Application - Hetherington. Mining Licence - Hetherington. Mining Tenement Service Sydney. Mining Tenement Consultant – Hetherington. Not only does corporate and operational compliance ensure you are meeting the terms and conditions of issued approvals, but it also facilitates success for your organisation in achieving its commercial goals.

Mining Tenement Consultant – Hetherington

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations are a fundamental element of any mining or exploration project. Our team is highly experienced in compliance frameworks and we have proudly been key consultants supporting the compliance of various well-regarded mining operations in Australia. With our expert advice on both corporate and operational matters, you can rest assured that compliance will be met on all levels. Our comprehensive understanding of compliance frameworks allows us to provide expert advice that safeguards your relationship with issued authorities and your own organisation’s environmental, social and governance objectives. Planning and Environmental Approvals. Environmental and planning approvals for exploration and mining projects can be highly influential to the initial beginnings and overall success of your project.

Planning and Environmental Approvals

To guarantee that your project can be as streamlined as possible, it’s crucial that you acquire the expertise of a consultancy that specialises in securing environmental, planning and other ancillary approvals. At Hetherington, we’ve been doing this for more than 30 years. Not only will we help to secure your approval initially, but we will also provide guidance and support throughout your project to ensure you maintain and safeguard compliance with your key approvals so that your operations can proceed without complication. Mining Tenement – Hetherington. Tenements are a crucial yet highly technical and complex aspect of project success. At Hetherington, we like to build strong and ongoing relationships with our clients, so you can continue returning to us whenever you need to acquire a tenement, alter conditions of a tenure, or seek advice regarding tenement management.

As well as being essential to the initial approval of a project, tenements form the foundation for which all operations are carried out. Tenement Management Services - Hetherington. Mining Tenement. Mining Tenement Management.