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Word2010. Excel 2010. Easiteach - Interactive Whole Class Teaching. Mikä ihmeen sosiaalinen media? Mielenkiintoiset ihmiset ja ilmiöt odottavat sinua sosiaalisessa mediassa. Alkumatka voi hetkittäin tuntua mutkikkaalta, mutta kaveriapua ja hyviä oppaita on saatavilla. Varaudu kokeilemaan, testaamaan ja valikoimaan. Se, mikä sopii yhdelle, ei luonnu toiselle. Jokainen käyttää sosiaalista mediaa omalla tavallaan. Itselle sopivien välineiden, työtapojen ja verkostojen löytäminen vaatii aikaa. Sosiaalinen media on inhimillisen kulttuurin tuotos ja opittavissa oleva asia, vaikka siihen liittyvä teknologia jatkuvine muutoksineen voi hämmentää. Tämä aineisto antaa alkuevästyksen sosiaalisen median tutkimusmatkalle.

Miksi tutustua sosiaaliseen mediaan? Tämän päivän internet on vuorovaikutteinen ja sulautuu osaksi arkeamme. Internetistä löytyy kaikille oppimisesta kiinnostuneille paljon hyödyllistä. Sosiaalinen media kulkee mukana älypuhelinten, täppäreiden ja läppäreiden välityksellä. Sosiaalinen media käsitteenä ja ilmiönä Kriittinen näkökulma Toimintakulttuuri Anne Rongas, 2011. HTML primer. This document is a generic introduction to HTML, the language used for World Wide Web documents ("WWW pages"). Some familiarity with WWW as a user (reader of documents) is assumed, but with regard to HTML no previous knowledge is assumed. Contents Introduction This document is generic in the sense of being independent of the particular version of HTML in use. It is not exhaustive with respect to any HTML specification. It aims at presenting the most basic and recommendable HTML constructs.

The author has written a separate document about all features of HTML 3.2. This document aims at being as easy as possible, but not easier. Get ready... When you wish to put text, images, or other pieces or sets of data (collectively called documents here) onto the World Wide Web, the normal way is to write an HTML file. An HTML file is a text file, and it can be read by human beings, not only by computers. <! We'll discuss the contents of the file later. The requisites you need ! For preformatted text. Dove Photoshop Effect. Kalenterit. Icons sorted by Date. There are 1320 desktop icon sets listed below, sorted by the date they were posted to the site, beginning with the most recent content. You are on page 1 of 132. February 13th, 2012 Improve the look and professional appeal of your web site or presentation project with professionally designed icons.

PNG versions include 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, and 64x64 pixel resources. January 19th, 2010 Spice up your desktop with these fun and detailed icons based on various kitchen gadgets and appliances from the 50's and 60's. August 3rd, 2009 The perfect folder metaphor now in six carefully crafted icons. June 3rd, 2008 A silly set of 6 original icons inspired by creative Japanese designer vinyl dolls and toys. May 27th, 2008 6 Apple TV themed icons inspired by the hardware, box art and website graphics. March 18th, 2008 77 icons of aluminum design. March 4th, 2008 MP3 player icons, a mobile phone icon and a display icon. January 14th, 2008 Includes 6 hard drive icons. January 5th, 2008 November 25th, 2007. Our eight best tutorials on Excel charts.

Excel spreadsheets are all about numbers. But tons of numbers are often not the most effective way to communicate. That’s where charts come in handy. Charts can display numeric data in a graphical format, making it easy to understand large quantities of data and the relationships among data. If you want to learn about Excel charts, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve pulled together out best tutorials and articles on charts to get you started. Create a chart from start to finishThis tutorial covers all the basics, including, 1) getting to know the elements of a chart, 2) modifying a basic chart to meet your needs, 3) applying a predefined chart layout and chart style for a professional look, 4) adding eye-catching formatting to a chart, and 5) reusing charts by creating chart templates.

Free training: Take the next steps in growing your Excel skills (Lesson 2) In Lesson 2 of the Excel Skills Builder, you learn about how to create a chart and other ways to visualize your data. Top Tips in Creating Presentations. Download Office 2010 training - PowerPoint. Get free, downloadable versions of the following Office 2010 training courses. They’re in PowerPoint 2010 format, so you can customize them for group training or view them on your desktop. Need a PowerPoint Viewer? If you don't have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer to view these files. Want to extract the videos from a downloaded file? Tip You can also download Office 2007 training presentations and Office 2003 training presentations.

Get Web-based Training In addition to these compact training presentations, full versions of these training courses are available online. 12 tips for creating better documents. Word 2010 tips and tricks. MS Word.