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Built for software & service companies, TekStack streamlines every part of your business so that you can scale. Powered by Microsoft.

Why it’s time to think about Professional Services Automation - TekStack. As a B2B SaaS company, Professional Services may be a key part of both the success of your customer, as well as your company.

Why it’s time to think about Professional Services Automation - TekStack

And if delivering services is a core function of your business, you’re trying to find the answer to a lot of questions like, What is our services backlog? Should I be hiring? What is my services revenue forecast? Increase your sales success with playbooks - TekStack. The quickest way to increase sales bookings is to improve your win rate and conversion metrics.

Increase your sales success with playbooks - TekStack

Each has a multiplier effect on your company’s sales bookings. Lets run some numbers. A software company running at a 25% win rate, where 30% of their ‘leads’ get through marketing, and create opportunities from these leads 30% of the time. Simply increasing the win rate from a not horrible 22% to really decent 30% impacts the sales bookings by significant 36%. By adding more focus in your lead generation and outbound efforts could increase your bookings by a whopping 180%. Sales Acceleration Software. Home Designed in Sales Acceleration Software | Sales Engagement | TekStack.

Sales Acceleration Software

Software for Saas Companies. Why Microsoft Is The Greatest Software Maker On The Planet - TekStack. When we started TekStack, one of the biggest risks we took was deciding to build our application on top of a Microsoft stack.

Why Microsoft Is The Greatest Software Maker On The Planet - TekStack

As we serve B2B SaaS companies exclusively, the safer bet would have been to partner on top of or become part of the HubSpot partner system. After all, these two products have a significant market share in the SaaS world. Many people in the tech world (the world we support every day), think of Microsoft as their grand-daddy’s software company. I mean, their launch parties were lit! Check out this one from 26 years ago! Software for Saas Companies.

Customer Success Software | TekStack

Importance of Nailing your Market Strategy - TekStack. The money and time you pour into sales and marketing could have improved results if you have an opportunity to step back and make sure that the stuff you say to your buyers is the stuff they care about.

Importance of Nailing your Market Strategy - TekStack

You may also see better results if you are focusing energy on market segments that make sense for your business. Some software companies -hopefully you, maybe your competitors- have this nailed. Either these companies instinctively know their market inside and out and can translate that message telepathically to all members of the sales and marketing team; or more likely they have a small army of product, marketing, and sales professionals that invest the time to get it right. If think you need to improve on your market strategy, and you don’t have said army at your disposal, and telepathy isn’t one of your many skills, here is a short-hand version of a framework that we would recommend. Professional Services Automation. Home Designed in Software for Saas Companies | Tekstack by.

Professional Services Automation

Power bi Subscription Management. Should my software company care more about Revenue Operations? Let me jump right to the punchline, the answer is YES!

Should my software company care more about Revenue Operations?

Every software company, including yours, should care more about Revenue Operations, or “RevOps”. Specifically if you want to achieve escape velocity. Best Accounting Software for SaaS Businesses. Integrated Marketing Automation. Software for SaaS companies. Onboard To Tekstack with Ease. Why Microsoft Is The Greatest Software Maker On The Planet. How To Nail Your Marketing Strategy Basics ? Sales Acceleration. Sales Acceleration Software. A better approach to using Sales Engagement platforms. There is a better approach to using Sales Engagement platforms.

A better approach to using Sales Engagement platforms

The proliferated use of sales engagement tools over the past 3-5 years have made us lazy salespeople, and have reduced email to white noise machines. I’m guilty of this too. Professional Services Automation. Sales Acceleration Software. Webinar Recording: 6 Tactics to 2X your Sales Bookings in 2021. The webinar video is below.

Webinar Recording: 6 Tactics to 2X your Sales Bookings in 2021

Here’s the cheat sheet: The three levers you need to flip around: The number of Prioritized Leads (you need to increase quickly without spending more marketing $$$)The conversion of Prioritized Leads to Opportunity (This conversion rate needs to improve through better execution, and more focused targeting)Win rate. You need to increase win rate even so slightly. It will have a huge impact. Software For Saas Companies. Marketing Automation Software – Teckstack. Guide to driving more effective leadership meetings - TekStack. NB: At TekStack, we focus our efforts with B2B SaaS companies.

Guide to driving more effective leadership meetings - TekStack

This guide to driving more effective leadership meetings is geared towards this audience. Odds are that your company has a monthly management meeting. Your team likely doesn’t come together enough as a collective. Use this time to solve cross-functional challenges and think beyond lagging indicators. Customer Success. Proven B2b Saas Sales Funnel Tactics to Help Your Business Grow.

Are you looking for a foolproof way to scale your software business? Then you are at the right spot! Tekstack is a powerful system that helps streamline business processes and manage them successfully. The software is skillfully designed for the B2B SaaS Company with long sales cycles with a need to deploy, distribute and support their software. Increase your sales success with playbooks - TekStack. SaaS Customer Success - Tekstack. SaaS Customer Success. Success in Customer Success - TekStack. To realize success in Customer Success, we need to define what success means. Really its two-sided. On the one side, from the viewpoint of the customer, its about providing them tools and processes they need to achieve THEIR business objectives. Hopefully the product and service your company provides does just that. CRM built for B2B Software Companies. How Professional Automation Services Can Boost Your Business. Though project management has been around for years, the scenario today is different.

With the rise of the SaaS market, project management tools have developed and moved online. This is essential to keep up with the rapidly growing digital business demands. One of such tools is PSA or Professional Automation Services. A better approach to using Sales Engagement platforms - TekStack. CRM built for B2B Software Companies – SaaS CRM Software. CRM built for B2B Software Companies – SaaS CRM Software.

Customer Success Software: Win Customers For Life. Customers are the only way to build a successful business. Without customers, a business cannot survive. Thus, the biggest challenge in a business is to retain customers. If a customer doesn’t purchase another product from you, then you remain on a chase for new customers. Psst! You don't need to invent a Sales Process - TekStack. We’ve seen it all too often, SaaS companies go out and invest in a CRM system, expecting it to work out of the box for the business. But the reality is it doesn’t.

So what do you do? Hire an implementation consulting firm to customize the objects, processes, forms, views, and reports for you, at a significant cost of course. Or, you just make do with what you have and hope for the best. Either result is not ideal. Professional Services Automation – Tekstack. Customer Success Software: Win Customers For Life. Getting beyond Negative Trust - TekStack. Onboard to TekStack with Ease. Subscription & Renewal Management. Services Productization for SaaS companies: 7 ways TekStack can help. Creating Fixed Priced Services packages for SaaS businesses - TekStack. Sales Acceleration Software – Tekstack. The Importance Of Sales Funnel Software For SaaS Companies. Services Productization for SaaS companies: 7 ways TekStack can help. Customer Success Software. Sales Engagement Platforms - TekStack. Sales Engagement Platforms 2021 Guide (Updated) Don’t leave Subscription Management to chance - TekStack. Sales Engagement Platforms- TekStack.

TekStack - Software for SaaS Companies. Customer Success Software. Customer Success Software for SaaS Companies. Why Subscription And Renewal Management (SRM) Is Crucial For Your Business? Guide to driving more effective leadership meetings - TekStack. Best Subscription and Renewal Management Software. Sales Acceleration Software. Do You Need Software For SaaS companies? Software for SaaS Companies – TekStack.