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Rely Services

Rely Services is a leading global Business Process Outsourcing - BPO company delivering business solutions for over a period of 20 years. We offer world class outsourcing services to more than 200 clients worldwide. Our outsourcing services includes Healthcare BPO, Logistics BPO, Mortgage BPO, Insurance BPO, Finance & Accounting BPO, Data Entry, Back Office Support, Document Digitization Services and so on. Rely Services is here to give you and your staff the opportunity to concentrate on delivering quality work. We are always there to avoid the daily hassles encountered by big as well as small organizations. Contact us Today and see what a difference we can make for you!

Data Mining Services. What is Data Mining?

Data Mining Services

The term “Data Mining” is slightly misleading, since the goal is the extraction of patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data, not the extraction (mining) of data itself. Data Mining Services. Revenue Cycle Management Services. Revenue Cycle Management Services.

Revenue Cycle Management Services

“Turn, Turn, Turn” as the old folk song goes, “A time to gain, a time to lose.” And of course, old Pete Seeger had it right. The world and business goes through cycles. But in the Healthcare field, no one wants to lose. That’s why there’s Revenue Cycle Management. In other words, it’s where the money comes from! That’s the reason so many Healthcare Providers of all types and sizes have turned to Revenue Cycle Management Outsourcing, they understand the advantages of letting someone they trust to handle their money. Outsource Data Management Services. Outsource Data Management Services?

Outsource Data Management Services

Is your need for Data Management growing? Is it time for your enterprise to consider using one of those Data Management Companies? Is Outsourcing Data Management Services economical and secure? Medical Claims Processing Services. Data Processing Services. eCommerce Product Data Entry Services. For shoppers, buying online is simple: Point.

eCommerce Product Data Entry Services

Click. But what happens behind the screen is a lot more complicated. Online Sales, the eCommerce Industry, involves: Finding the right product from the right distributor Establishing a supply chain Making the right choice in pricing Finding the product data Creating an online catalog Updating the catalog to reflect changes in pricing and availability Shipping Re-ordering to replace sold stock. Medical Accounts Receivable Services. 7 Effective Ways To Improve Data Entry Process. How to Significantly Improve the Data Entry Process Every operational organization deals with data on a daily basis.

7 Effective Ways To Improve Data Entry Process

This data needs to be managed effectively so that it can be utilized as needed. The process of entering values into computer software in a systematically processed way is known as data entry. The process can be manual or automated meaning it can be handled by a person or a machine. The process of data entry by an operator is known as manual data entry. 1. 2. Cluster Analysis: Clustering involves identifying common groups and analyzing them for errors. Benefits of Outsourcing Healthcare Services to India. Healthcare BPO Outsourcing in India Your Healthcare Business is growing, and you need to add staff and services, and maybe you should consider a Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing company for your expansion.

Benefits of Outsourcing Healthcare Services to India

Wait a minute. Medical Coding Services. Data Entry Outsourcing Company. What Makes an Outsourcing Company Better Than an In-House Staff?

Data Entry Outsourcing Company

Very few businesses have access to unlimited resources. Data Entry Company. Your Complete Guide To Understand GAAP Principles. It seems all cultures have their favorite, sometimes idiosyncratic ways to describe rules and practices.

Your Complete Guide To Understand GAAP Principles

Governments, Militaries, Religions… and Business is no different. Humans can’t help themselves. Acronyms seem to be in our DNA. And here’s one that no one outside of certain business sectors will know. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) refer to a common set of accounting principles, standards, and procedures issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). U.S. law requires businesses that release financial statements to the public, and companies that are publicly traded on stock exchanges to follow GAAP guidelines. OCR Services. Charge Entry Services. The Charge Entry process is an essential part of Medical Billing.

Charge Entry Services

It determines the amount of reimbursement that the provider will receive from the insurance payer. It is critical that this process is executed by a trained, experienced individual, and the charges from the coded documents must be entered correctly. If the charges are not correct, or if any part of the document has errors, it’s likely that the entire process will have to start over. Back Office Outsourcing Services. Like the actors in a Broadway play, the Front Office gets all the attention.

Back Office Outsourcing Services

But it couldn’t function without the backstage lighting technicians, stagehands, make-up artists, and the costume department. Call them Broadway’s Back Office. Sometimes life just isn’t fair! Medical Billing Services. Done right patient billing is a key factor in the success of any Medical Practice. Done wrong, it’s a prescription for disaster. Insurance BPO - Insurance Process Outsourcing. Insurance Back Office Services Rely Services is the premier Insurance BPO Services firm in the USA. With clients in the Insurance Industry worldwide, we provide a variety of quick and accurate Insurance Outsourcing at affordable rates, making us the perfect choice for any size business in this sector! Not that any US business won’t benefit from Insurance Outsourcing services, but players in the insurance sector have a lot to gain when they go offshore.

Use an Insurance BPO Provider firm to outsource your time consuming, repetitive tasks that your staff hates, and let your team concentrate on the more skilled functions that you probably hired them to do. Rely Services can reduce Insurance Operation costs with our exclusive business methods that will: Rely has chosen to specialize in Insurance Back Office Outsourcing because there are huge cost-savings for our clients achieved by our innovation and experience.

Restaurant Menu Data Entry Services. Electronic Health Record. EMR- Electronic Medical Records- are the digital equivalent of paper records or “charts” made by your healthcare provider. Your EMR will contain such information as symptoms or physical complaints, a complete medical history, past, and current treatment and medications, medical tests, X-rays, MRI and other radiological scans, current and future checks of general health, expected results and other notes important to a patient’s health and well-being. That collection might be handwritten, transcribed from a voice recording, or originating as a digital record. But no matter the origination, the record is now completely digital. Because the information is now an EMR, patient data and provider notes can be viewed by multiple physicians or medical technicians in different locations, it is searchable for particular words or phrases, the patient’s history can be easily traced over a period of years without thumbing through a file of the paper.

Healthcare BPO Services. Your Partner in Better Healthcare! Business Process Outsourcing Company. How to Use Business Process Outsourcing to Increase Workflow Efficiency There are a lot of reasons to hire a business process outsourcing service provider. Benefits of Document Digitization. This is a digital world! Document Digitization Services. Before the turn of this century, most businesses were literally drowning in paper.

Every document generated by any business was printed on paper, sometimes multiple copies for distribution, read off of paper, filed on paper and eventually stored on paper. The ubiquitous file cabinets grew larger and larger. Entire industries developed to handle the printing, distribution and storage of paper documents. Entire forests perished for these documents. FedEx was founded on the idea of getting paper to and from customers overnight! These days the internet has emerged as the most effective and convenient way to transfer data,overcoming physical and geographic barriers in the blink of an eye. In brief, the digitization of a document is the conversion of a paper document into various digital formats.

The migration from paper to digital can be painless if you plan carefully and choose the right partner.