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Shaping Tech for the Classroom. 21st-century schools need 21st-century technology. Credit: Bill Duke The biggest question about technology and schools in the 21st century is not so much "What can it do? " but, rather, "When will it get to do it? " We all know life will be much different by 2100. Will school? First, it helps to look at the typical process of technology adoption (keeping in mind, of course, that schools are not typical of anything.)

Dabbling.Doing old things in old ways.Doing old things in new ways.Doing new things in new ways. Until recently, we have mostly been dabbling with technology in our schools: A few Apples here. Old Things in Old Ways When a new technology appears, our first instinct is always to continue doing things within the technology the way we've always done it.

That is almost exclusively what we now do with educational technology. People certainly are putting courses, curricula, and lesson plans online. But new technology still faces a great deal of resistance. Virtual Schools. Can new education technologies short-circuit change-resistant politics and remake our schools?

Virtual Schools

Or are well-intended advocates once again overhyping the ability of electrons and processors to solve thorny problems of teaching and learning? In this Education Next forum, John Chubb of Edison Schools and Stanford University political scientist Terry Moe make the case for the transformative power of today’s technology.

Twenty years ago, this duo coauthored the debate-changing Politics, Markets, and America’s Schools. Their new book, Liberating Learning: Technology, Politics, and the Future of American Education, lays out a bold vision of the future. Siegel_Daniel_M_200805_PhD. Webinar: NFC: Not (Just) for Cards. Other Methods. Free VAK visual auditory kinesthetic learning styles test questionnaire. Vak - visual, auditory, kinesthetic - learning styles model and free self-test The VAK learning styles model and related VAK learning styles tests offer a relatively simple methodology.

Free VAK visual auditory kinesthetic learning styles test questionnaire

Therefore it is important to remember that these concepts and tools are aids to understanding overall personality, preferences and strengths - which is always a mixture in each individual person. As with any methodology or tool, use VAK and other learning styles ideas with care and interpretation according to the needs of the situation. They are guide as to the mixture of preferences, strengths and learning styles in an individual, not a basis for deciding on one exclusive preference or approach to the exclusion of everything else. The Journey Method - Mnemonics Training from MindTools. Remembering Long Lists Associate a list with landmarks on a journey you know well. © iStockphoto/LuisPortugal The journey method is a powerful, flexible and effective mnemonic based around the idea of remembering landmarks on a well-known journey.

The Journey Method - Mnemonics Training from MindTools

It combines the narrative flow of the Link Method and the structure and order of the Peg Systems into one very powerful system. How to Use the Tool. Memory Techniques, Memorization Tips - The Roman Room Technique. The Roman Room Technique The Roman Room technique is an ancient and effective way of remembering unstructured information where the relationship of items of information to other items of information is not important.

Memory Techniques, Memorization Tips - The Roman Room Technique

It functions by imagining a room (e.g. your sitting room or bedroom). Within that room are objects. The technique works by associating images with those objects. To recall information, simply take a tour around the room in your mind, visualising the known objects and their associated images. NFC Learning Table Concept. NFC at the Museum of London. StreetCred Android App Review - Share The Respect! ← Even if you have seen many of the social gaming and engaging application before, I would like to share one truly supercool app that lets you build streetcreds, well, actually on the streets for real- StreetCred!

StreetCred Android App Review - Share The Respect! ←

This app has been designed to give shoutouts to people who did you a favor or have helped you with something important using NFC. If you are not aware of what streetcred is – in plain simple words its imaginary coolness index of someone, their credibility or credentials if you will. People establishes common understandings or even judge friends, friends of friends, and even strangers on a daily basis. With this app, you can actually start building your streetcred on Facebook!

StreetCred uses Single Sign On for Facebook, and it is necessary for all users to have ‘Facebook For Android App’ on your devices, which almost every devices have by default these days. You can give shoutouts to all the people you know as well as strangers on the street if they helped you. Near Field Communications. NFC ecma whitepaper. The Future of Learning Environments. Imagining the Future of Learning: CHUM Intro.

NFC Player. Touchanote: NFC technology meets Evernote. AVX/EVA and NFC Tags. Daisy - The mobile NFC solution for day cares, pre-schools, schools. NFC learning environment. Learning ABCs with NFC. NFC Smart School. NFC Contextual Learning.mp4. Learn3 Project - "Meet The Campus" Watch your day in 2020 [ Future Technology ] A Day Made of Glass 2: The Same Day Extended by Corning (Gorilla Glass). Future Life Vision. Iste2012_web_proceedingsv2. Promethean IWB. Promethean's aim is to unlock the potential of human achievement in education and training at all ages around the world.

Promethean IWB

It does so by creating, developing, supplying and supporting leading edge, interactive learning technology and by encouraging the growth of the world's largest online teacher community in this field. In these ways, Promethean is helping bring to life the promise of 21st century learning, improving engagement and results for learners and teachers alike. Leading Edge Teaching Solutions Promethean is a world leader in the rapidly growing global market for interactive learning technology. Proven Ideas, Driven by Technology Everything we do at Promethean begins with two basic premises: No one understands teaching better than teachers.

The best way to engage tech-savvy students is through technology. By thoughtfully combining these two simple ideas, Promethean is revolutionising the way education happens.