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How JavaScript Helps Developers Effectively In Development

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In the ever growing industry of technology, JavaScript plays an very important role for enterprises. Seek out here how clubbing ASP.NET core with JavaScript helps out the devops in their development process.

DotNetNerd's blog | ASP.NET Core and Node together: JavaScript Services. A while ago I heard about some JavaScript Services that Steve Sanderson was working on for .NET core. The central idea was to provide services that could use NodeJS within an ASP.NET application, allowing us to consume all the awesome modules that are written for node. This can allow us to do a number of things, like prerendering and better integration between client and server that can run the same code. Recently I ran into a new article about the work they are doing on JavaScript Services, and it seems to be far enough along now, that I think it is really worth trying out. The documentation is really well written, so I won't write step by step instructions, but simply point out that it can be found on github and that it is pretty easy to get going. SpaServices are a little more involved, but at its simplest it provides us with the ability to do PreRendering using TagHelpers to point to the module that we wish to render like this.

All in all I think it is looking really interesting. 4 JavaScript Design Patterns You Should Know. The Scotchmas Day 2 giveaway can be found at the end of this article. Every developer strives to write maintainable, readable, and reusable code. Code structuring becomes more important as applications become larger. Design patterns prove crucial to solving this challenge - providing an organization structure for common issues in a particular circumstance. JavaScript web developers frequently interact with design patterns, even unknowingly, when creating applications.

Although there is a diverse list of design patterns used in certain circumstances, JavaScript developers tend to use some patterns customarily more than others. In this post, I want to discuss these common patterns to expose ways to improve your programming repertoire and dive deeper into the JavaScript internals. The design patterns in question include the following: ModulePrototypeObserverSingleton Each pattern consists of many properties, though, I will emphasize the following key points: Module Design Pattern Publish/Subscribe.

How JavaScript Services Can Help You To Build SPAs (Single Page Applications) JavaScript Frameworks for ASP.NET MVC Developers | DotNetCurry. In today’s “app” world, what really matters beyond frameworks, languages, platforms and technologies, is customer experience. Customer Experience is the sum-totality of how customers engage with your company and brand, not just in a snapshot in time, but throughout the entire arc of being a customer (Src: With users having shorter attention span than a goldfish, your application should be able to engage with them, within no time. It is not about focus anymore; it is about fixation. This article is published from the DNC Magazine for Developers and Architects.

Download this magazine from here [PDF] or Subscribe to this magazine for FREE and download all previous and current editions. Once users access your app – be it web/mobile, or consumer oriented/enterprise-class; they should “stay” onto your application irrespective of all other distractions. This is where choosing the right JavaScript Framework becomes a vital decision. Let’s find out! Why JavaScript Frameworks? Angular JS. Minify CSS and JavaScript files with Visual Studio and ASP.NET Core | Blog SoftFluent. In the last two posts, I wrote about improving ASP.NET Core web site performance. The first one was about caching files to ensure the browser download them only once. The second is about reducing the size of the server response with gzip compression. Today, I'll stay on improving performance with bundling and minifying stylesheets and JavaScript files. Minifying consists of reducing the size of the JavaScript and Stylesheet files by removing comments, spaces, merging CSS rules, shortening variable/function names, replacing true by !

0, and lots of advanced techniques. Bundling consists of combining multiple files together. This reduces the number of requests needed to display a web page, and so the loading time. Now we understand why we should bundle and minify stylesheets and JavaScript files, let's see how we can do that with Visual Studio and ASP.NET Core. In the preview version of ASP.NET Core, the web site template uses Gulp to generate the min files. Ok, this works as expected. The importance of JavaScript in software development.