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How Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Healthcare Industry in 2020

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Below curated links explain the benefits of machine learning in the healthcare sector and how it can better improve different aspects of patient care, including diagnoses, efficiency, and overall better decisions.

How Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Healthcare. To take advantage of emerging software tools that incorporate artificial intelligence, healthcare organizations first need to overcome a variety of challenges. Some leading-edge organizations are beginning to do just that, focusing on machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that encompasses statistical methods in which computer systems recognize patterns or correlations in data by ingesting large sets of training data. They improve their performance, or “learn,” over time as they incorporate new data; revising their approach as needed without human programmers updating the rules. In the healthcare industry, most machine learning applications are in the research stage. “There is not a ton of clinical use,” according to Brian Edwards, independent validation consultant for AI vendors. One area with a lot of research activity is radiology, where the industry is investigating how to use machine learning to detect signs of disease from digital images.

Real-world data. 12+ Machine Learning Applications Enhancing Healthcare Sector 2020. The ever increasing population of the world has put tremendous pressure on the healthcare sector to provide quality treatment and healthcare services.

12+ Machine Learning Applications Enhancing Healthcare Sector 2020

Now, more than ever, people are demanding smart healthcare services, applications, and wearables that will help them to lead better lives and prolong their lifespan. By 2025, Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector is projected to increase from $2.1 billion (as of December 2018) to $36.1 billion at a CAGR of 50.2%. The healthcare sector has always been one of the greatest proponents of innovative technology, and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are no exceptions.

Just as AI and ML permeated rapidly into the business and e-commerce sectors, they also found numerous use cases within the healthcare industry. This need for a ‘better’ healthcare service is increasingly creating the scope for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications to enter the healthcare and pharma world. Personalized Treatment. EHR Software With Artificial Intelligence is The Next Big Thing. Electronic Health Records Software for extensive healthcare delivery networks today are often seen as firm, inflexible, difficult to use and costly to set-up.

EHR Software With Artificial Intelligence is The Next Big Thing

The most common of these EHR Software are often designed around older technologies, and it often shows in their ease of access. Many healthcare providers find these systems highly complex and hard to navigate, and it is very rare that an EHR System suits their specific needs. As the healthcare delivery networks grow bigger country-wide, the challenge of making these systems help rather than hinder clinicians is increasing at a high rate. The options for improving this misalignment between systems and processes are limited although the goal is still attainable. One is to design EHR systems to be more integrated and streamlined from the beginning. Using an open-source EMR Software could be the second option. Latest News on AI & EMR Software. Machine Learning to revolutionize the Growing Electronic Health Records.

Health has always been a prime element of the wellbeing.

Machine Learning to revolutionize the Growing Electronic Health Records

This has made Medicine an essential part of the society, every since time immemorial. Although it has come through a long journey in the past centuries, where it evolved from being traditional to bringing up modern practices. Health sciences have now come to that point where they are leveraging other disciplines of science and technology to offer the best of medical facilities to the patients. Medicine is not just a subject of human anatomy anymore but has now become an interdisciplinary industry that targets to serve the wellbeing of mankind at its best.

One such discipline that contributes to the emerging health science solutions is Machine Learning. To have an in-depth understanding of how Machine Learning is continuing to revolutionize the health services with the growing electronic records and its future scope, let us get a clear picture of the basics first.

To do so, let us begin with Evolution of Health Science Data Mining. Machine Learning: How it Impacts Electronic Health Records. Like it or not, but the truth is that technology is everywhere.

Machine Learning: How it Impacts Electronic Health Records

It is now an integral part of our lives, ultimately transforming how we go about doing, well, pretty much everything. And the impact of this change has been especially profound as well as intriguing in the healthcare industry. The increased adoption of modern technology in the healthcare world has resulted in some high-level and intense changes that, in turn, have helped healthcare providers deliver substantially better care to patients. And one of the most crucial ways it has done so is Electronic Health Record. You see, the inconsistency and lack of standards and quality inpatient record translated into a decline in treatment provided to patients. However, with Electronic Health Records, the industry gained a terrific means to maintain virtually seamless records, including extensive details about their ailments, treatment history, diagnostics history, and more. 1. 2. 3.