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Makeup Related. Band Websites. Steve Hofmeyr's son arrested. Pictures. Australia Project. Makeup Mon...errr Tuesday: Green Eyes - StumbleUpon. First, I know it's Tuesday and I'm predictably late with Makeup Monday.

Makeup Mon...errr Tuesday: Green Eyes - StumbleUpon

I hope the lack of alliteration doesn't detract from the post; I promise that I have lots of great excuses for not putting this up yesterday. Or, I fell asleep. One of my first forays into the wonderful world of bright eyeshadow was with a beautiful shade of green from Milani (whose older shadows were amazing), and I was forever hooked. Green has since become the most popular color in my rather large makeup collection, though I can't remember the last time I gave them a proper spotlight. Sokoblovsky Farms - Russias Finest Purveyors of Miniature Lap Giraffes - StumbleUpon. Ben Dancer.


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