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DigitalWoman : Secrets to higher email open ... The Surprising Secret to Higher Email Open Rates. Budget for email marketing is on the rise.

The Surprising Secret to Higher Email Open Rates

In fact, email marketing is one the top three investments in B2B marketing, according to the B2B email marketing trends report by CircleResearch. But even with that increased budget, a lot of marketers are leaving conversions on the table. How? By not targeting customers. One size doesn’t fit all and, as we go through this post, you will learn how to treat each customer in a way that elicits love and devotion from them. By collecting data on customer behaviors, you can find out what they’re interested in. Why Email Personalization Matters We love personalized service. For instance, by personalizing the service they offer, waiters can fetch 23% higher tips. The same applies to email marketing. In Hubspot’s survey, 38% of the survey takers said that they signed up for a company newsletter hoping to receive information that is relevant to them. If you’re worried about data collection for personalization, don’t be. How to Personalize Email Marketing. Rock Solid HTML Emails.

At some stage in your career, it’s likely you’ll be asked by a client to design a HTML email.

Rock Solid HTML Emails

Before you rush to explain that all the cool kids are using social media, keep in mind that when done correctly, email is still one of the best ways to promote you and your clients online. In fact, a recent survey showed that every dollar spent on email marketing this year generated more than $40 in return. That’s more than any other marketing channel, including the cool ones. There are a whole host of ingredients that contribute to a good email marketing campaign.

Permission, relevance, timeliness and engaging content are all important. Same same, but different Before getting into the details, there are some uncomfortable facts that those new to HTML email should be aware of. While it’s not without its challenges, rest assured it can be done. Setting your lowest common denominator Let’s get started. Use tables for layout Set the width in each cell, not the table Err toward nesting Paragraphs Links. Design and Build Email Newsletters Without Losing Your Mind (and Soul) - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement “We really love this new website you’ve built!

Design and Build Email Newsletters Without Losing Your Mind (and Soul) - Smashing Magazine

Now we’d like to send out an email to all of our customers, friends and anyone, and it should look exactly like the website except with a spinning mailbox at the bottom, and have my photo, and my cat’s photo…” Ever had that conversation with a client? You’ve built plenty of websites in your time and could knock off a blog template in your sleep, but HTML email? Seriously? HTML email has the reputation (often well deserved) of being a horrible design medium. The mere mention of it sends some designers into physical shock (try it if you ever get stuck in a tedious conversation about XHTML vs. This article gives you the information you need to plan, design and build an HTML newsletter that renders well and is actually useful to recipients. If you’d like to get started right now, here are the cheat notes to get you on the right track. Respect your reader. 1. The email inbox is a noisy busy place for a newsletter to land. 2.