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How eCommerce Site Help Retailers and Consumers?

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Drupal For Ecommerce. If you are a developer, then there is a good news for you.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Drupal For Ecommerce

You have got several platforms to choose when designing, developing and creating your website. Among them, Drupal is one of the popular and best options. Drupal is powerful and a simple open-source CMS tool which has evolved into being a robust web development platform. In more than 200 countries, Drupal is used and is available in 182 languages. Famous brands websites like Ubuntu, Harvard, The Economist, and Sony Music & White House are powered on Drupal Platform. There are many advance features in Drupal and it has easy to use admin interface. How ecommerce can help drive physical shop sales. "The high street is dead," the critics proclaim.

How ecommerce can help drive physical shop sales

Mary Portas walks down the empty street like Will Smith in I Am legend; a post-apocalyptic nightmare with boarded up shops and tumbleweed drifting slowly along in the wind. There's no one about. Depicting the current high street as some sort of ghost town is perhaps slightly disingenuous. What Customers Want in an eCommerce Site. Running an eCommerce website is not always easy.

What Customers Want in an eCommerce Site

There are sales to make, orders to fill, and payments to receive. This is why it is essential to make sure you have your bases covered when it comes to running a well-rounded website. Here we will look at things from a visitor’s point of view. We’ll start at the very beginning, when the user visits an eCommerce website, and work through to the very end, when that user places an order. We’ll go through how a business can excel at every step of the way. We won’t be getting into every detail of an eCommerce site. Let’s look at the first step, when the visitor gets his or her first impression of a website. Design Have you ever walked into a store that is disorganized, smells, and has a very uninviting atmosphere? On the other hand, have you ever walked into a store that is clean, spacious, and has a very comforting feeling, such as an Apple Store? I’m sure you’ve been in both types of businesses. Speed. 7 Benefits of Ecommerce for Retailers.

E-commerce forces brick-and-mortar stores to innovate. With e-commerce being fitted into their arsenals, retailers are now aiming to provide new experiences and greater convenience for shoppers.

E-commerce forces brick-and-mortar stores to innovate

And while bricks-and-mortar stores will continue to exist, they are no longer places exclusively for shopping, but also must function as showrooms and fitting rooms. Many modern shoppers now pick what they want online, search for the best price, find a time slot, choose how they want to pay, and wait for the item to be delivered to their home. However, many consumers still prefer the experience of physical stores, which are developing new attractions to keep customers coming back. "Today's consumer no longer goes shopping, but is shopping, all the time and everywhere," said Willy Kruh, global chair of consumer markets at KPMG International. With its new Central 4.0 concept, Thailand’s biggest retail group is aiming to provide a seamless online experience for shoppers inside its stores and anywhere else they may be. 3 Steps To Ensuring Multisite Digital Experience For Your Drupal Website - Through The Tech Lens. 18 Major Benefits of e-Commerce Business for Retailers & Customers in 2015 - Lendinero - Business Funding Services.

By: MediumSpecial Content Convenience & Easiness For many people in the world, e-Commerce becomes one of the preferred ways of shopping as they enjoy their online because of its easiness and convenience.

18 Major Benefits of e-Commerce Business for Retailers & Customers in 2015 - Lendinero - Business Funding Services

Offer Product Datasheets Consumers can also get description and details from an online product catalog. Attract New Customers with Search Engine Visibility As we all know that physical retail is run by branding and relationships. Comprise Warranty Information No matter whether you are looking to choose including warranty information with product descriptions and datasheets or providing it from within an ecommerce shopping cart, you need to make sure that customers must be aware of important terms and conditions that are associated with their purchase. Decreasing cost of inventory Management With e-commerce business, the suppliers can decrease the cost of managing their inventory of goods that they can automate the inventory management using web-based management system. 7 Brick-and-Mortar Advantages in E-Commerce - Total Retail. Top 5 Advantages of E-Commerce to Consumers. E-Commerce offers the following advantages to consumers. 1.

Top 5 Advantages of E-Commerce to Consumers

Wide range of products and services Electronic commerce through internet enables the customers to choose a product or service of their choice from any vendor anywhere in the world. Due to space constraint, a vendor can stock only a minimum amount of goods in the physical store. A virtual store enables a business organization to stock a lot of goods without considering the inventory cost. 2. Customers can buy any product from anywhere in the world without moving away from their workplace or home through internet. 3. The cost incurred by the business on the middlemen generally falls on the consumer. Certain goods like e-books, music audio clips, software can be purchased and delivered through internet. 4.