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21 Uses of Vaseline … 25 Ways to Tighten Skin after Weight Loss … There are lots of ways to tighten skin after you lose weight, and many reasons to do so. The loose skin can come from pregnancy or even just dropping a lot of weight at one time. While you might be at your goal weight, you might still feel bulky, and the culprit is loose, sagging skin. How do you tighten skin after weight loss, so you can fit into the clothes you want, and look as gorgeous, healthy, and toned as you know you are? My dears, I can help. Dropping a lot of weight at one time can be bad for you, not just for your health, but in general, it can make your skin sag. 10 Ways to Start Your 20s off Right ... Sunny saturday. I just love these pictures, everytime a look at them I decide to find a shoe cabinet like in the top picture. Today it's sunny and hot and we'll soon go on a cycle ride and have a coffee. Have a lovely weekend! Photo: Petra Svensson. Pro Organizer Tips: What NOT To Do When Decluttering Your Home.

As a follow up to our recent post 5 Strategies for Decluttering a Small Space, we asked Washington DC's organizing and de-cluttering guru Nicole Anzia of Neatnik for some more words of organizing wisdom. Instead of giving us additional organizing and decluttering tips and strategies, Nicole though it would most helpful to tell us what NOT to do when trying to harness chaos in our homes.

Some of this advice is hardly new or shocking. But Nicole says these five missteps are the most common in her line of work -- and most likely to derail even the best efforts to conquer clutter. Here's what she had to say: 1. 2. Here is a photo from a (successful!) 3. 4. 5. (Images: 1. 15 Crazy Ideas to Make Your Life Saner. Don't knock it til you try it, the saying goes, and in this case it applies.

While some of the things I'm suggesting might sound insane or perhaps a little (okay, a lot) OCD, they're tricks that work, and hey, isn't that really the bottom line? Keep a marker in the freezer: If you're the type of person who cooks a lot and freezes the leftovers, or someone who likes to buy in bulk, keeping a marker in the freezer might mean the difference between "what is this? " and "here's the pasta sauce I made last summer when the tomatoes were at their peak". Use it to label and date whatever you're freezing. Bonus: no more frozen mysteries, no more wondering where to find a marker to label stuff.

Collect pint size versions of your favorite toiletries and store them in your suitcase: This is one of those silly ideas that I used to scoff at until the TSA changed the rules and mini became the rule. Pack up your beach or ski stuff: As for traveling, so for sports. Got any crazy tricks of your own? 4 Tips for Getting In & Out of IKEA Faster. There's no question about it, IKEA is a great resource for affordable and stylish furnishings, but it can can sometimes feel like a hassle to shop at the Swedish retailer's stores, especially when you are in a hurry.

After spending some time at one of their stores this weekend, I have a few tips to help you get in and out faster. 1. Pre-plan your trip. While you can't purchase many items on the IKEA website, you can use it to plan your shopping trip before you even leave the house. In addition to "window shopping" on the site, you can also prep a shopping list and check inventory. You can also use KLIPPBOK, IKEA's app that lets you play around with the store's products. 2. 3. 4. (Image: Jason Loper) Our Favorite Unique Notebooks for the Office. We can't think of any profession that wouldn't benefit from note taking. And even if you didn't need one at work, a good notebook could certainly be helpful at the home office, recording menial tasks, numbers, dates, etc... We decided to round up some of our favorite notebooks that have taken unique approaches to their design to create a high-quality product that is sure to making the note taking process as painless as possible.

Plus, these make excellent stocking stuffers for the coming holidays. Whitelines Why has it taken so long for someone to realize that the dark lines which dissect our notebook's pages only serve to distract from the content written on the page? Whitelines takes an innovative approach and replaces all those black lines with white lines. The effect is a much "lighter" looking page which doesn't detract from the words or images placed on the page yet you still have the gridded structure provided by the lines themselves.

Gridbooks For designers, by designers. You Can Do It: No Fail Ways to Finally Get Yourself Organized. Like many of us, you might have resolved to make 2012 the year you finally get organized. You know — keep a tidy house, never miss a deadline, find the time to tackle all those projects you've been meaning to do for ages. January is almost over already. How's it going? As with so many things in this life, organization is easier said than done. Despite the best of intentions, it's a lot easier to fall into old habits than to create new ones. 1. These days, that's morphed into a "Don't leave a room without bringing something with you that belongs elsewhere" habit, and I've picked up a few others, too.

MORE GOOD HABITS ON APARTMENT THERAPY:• How To: Build a Habit• 5 Things To Do 10 Minutes Before You Go To Bed• Create a Personal Goal Password to Enforce Good Habits 2. For a couple years now, I've been keeping my To Do lists to just five items, a concept I picked up from Holly Becker of Decor8. 3. Don't neglect your workspace, either. 4. (Images: 1. Home living tips simply fold a few had been ... _ Pictures from sweet donut circle sharing.

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ON THAT NOTE. Photo: post designed by kristin ess Dear everyone, It’s the weekend. We hope you’re going to be doing something fun and exciting. Know what’s not fun and exciting? The fact that bacteria collects on the surface of your phone while in your purse. XO Lauren, Kristin + Amy Nadine Tags: alcohol, amy nadine, bacteria, kristin ess, lauren conrad, on that note, phone, wipe Related posts: