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Tea Culture Of The World

Tea Culture Of The World is widely known for the excellent quality offered in all types of teas available at the online tea store.

Discover Interesting Tea Traditions Across The World With Us! The tea journey that began in one little part of the planet has taken the world by storm over the years, bringing bliss to tea connoisseurs with every brew of each blend.

Discover Interesting Tea Traditions Across The World With Us!

As tea brews started charming their way into the hearts of its consumers, many different tea traditions were born. The beliefs about tea in different countries are just as indulging as a perfectly brewed cup of tea! Thanks to these little warm cups brimming with bliss, people coming from different lands don’t have to look too far to find something incredibly delightful to bond over. Explore Premium Teas For Every Mood With Us! The best part about life is its unpredictability - good things are knocking on your door today, tomorrow could bring a life lesson; today you are grieving, tomorrow you could be shedding tears of joy.

Explore Premium Teas For Every Mood With Us!

But, this rollercoaster ride is what makes life interesting! Just as life is uncertain, so are human emotions. We have very little control over how we feel - the heart wants what it wants, the brain has a mind of its own, and our body is always in a different zone. To help you strike the right balance; here’s a list of teas for every mood by Tea Culture of the World- Best Teas to Drink in Summer Curated by Tea Culture of the World! We are nearing the end of winter and the summer nostalgia is already lingering in the air.

Best Teas to Drink in Summer Curated by Tea Culture of the World!

While most of us are craving the soothing warmth; we forget that this blanket of warmth evolves into skin-burning heat in a matter of days as we dive further into the season! For the tea enthusiasts who do not wish to bear the brunt of the season, Tea Culture of the World has the best teas to drink in summer, exquisitely curated to cool your senses. Unlock the power of Green tea for weight loss with Tea Culture of the World! Fitness is one of those goals that steal a spot on everyone’s to-achieve list at some point or the other.

Unlock the power of Green tea for weight loss with Tea Culture of the World!

We look up diet plans and turn our backs on the less healthy, but a lot more delicious food, as advised. We even go the extra mile, each morning, quite literally. But, what if there was a way to escape the extremities while also stepping closer to our fitness goals? Experience Rooibos tea benefits with Tea Culture of the World. The rarer a tea indulgence the longer it lingers on the minds and in the hearts of tea connoisseurs.

Experience Rooibos tea benefits with Tea Culture of the World.

When it comes to the rarity that is Rooibos (pronounced Roy-Boss), it’s only fair to expect the exceptional. The tale, the characteristics and the many Rooibos tea benefits are as fascinating as the warm, red brews it brings us. When migrants settled in the Cederberg Mountains of South Africa in 1700, they discovered the fine leaves of a plant that brewed into a delicious tea. Local farmers learnt to chop the plants, leave them to ferment in the sun and dry naturally, before it was brewed.

By 1900, Benjamin Ginsberg, a Russian immigrant from an old tea-trading family, recognized the potential of Rooibos and began marketing this new mountain tea to the world. The fresh tea leaves are bruised, fermented in heaps, sun-dried and sifted to give you a unique naturally caffeine-free brew. Discover the many benefits of Chamomile Tea with Tea Culture of the World. One of the rarest luxuries of life is discovering a sense of calm in the middle of chaos.

Discover the many benefits of Chamomile Tea with Tea Culture of the World

Most of us hope to find little moments of peace in between the busy hours - this dream is now a reality - all thanks to the Calming Chamomile Tea by Tea Culture of the World! Each sip of the brew brings lingering relief and soothes your senses like no other! Oolong tea vs. Green tea: Know which is healthier with Tea Culture of the World. With brews that are the very essence of wellness, Green tea has done justice to the popularity crown that has been granted to it!

Oolong tea vs. Green tea: Know which is healthier with Tea Culture of the World.

But, tea connoisseurs today are looking beyond the good ol’ Green tea to find wellness. This is where Oolong tea swiftly sways into the picture. The fact that both the primary types of tea are packed with multiple health benefits, puts one in a true dilemma when picking sides in the Oolong vs. Green Tea war! Let’s take a deeper dive into what the two teas are made of and what they bring to the table. Oolong vs. During the Ming dynasty, monks living on Songluo Mountain in Anhui, China discovered that allowing tea leaves to oxidize partially, before they were pan-fired, created a darker, fragrant tea.

Emperor Shen Nong, renowned in Chinese mythology as the father of agriculture as well as medicine, is said to have discovered green tea in 2737 BC. Oolong vs. A piece of art, tradition and craftsmanship is seen in a cup of Oolong tea. Savour Sweet-Sour Brews with Tea Culture of the World’s Lemon Honey Tea Blend. For some people, sweetness is the way of life; for the others, sour is their go-to flavour!

Savour Sweet-Sour Brews with Tea Culture of the World’s Lemon Honey Tea Blend

But, what if there was a way for us to have the best of both worlds and indulge in a combination curated to tease and please our senses, all at the same time? After all, life is all about embracing its many different flavours - and one of the best ways to do this is to sip on a warm, wellness-laced cup of Lemon Honey Tea! Tulsi Tea Benefits For Your Health: Tea Culture of the World’s Signature Tea Blend. Native to India - Tulsi, Tulasi or Vrinda is a holy shrub crowned as the ‘Queen of Herbs’!

Tulsi Tea Benefits For Your Health: Tea Culture of the World’s Signature Tea Blend

Simply hearing the name or letting it roll off the tongue brings one a sense of calm and comfort. With its divine ability to heal, Tulsi tea benefits the mind just as much as it benefits the body! Tulsi leaves have been harvested for medicinal purposes since the last 5,000 years. Learn about Tea and its many roles! Since its inception, tea has played many roles - a luxury, a remedy, a delicacy, an everyday beverage and such.

Learn about Tea and its many roles!

For centuries, it has brought sheer joy to every soul who has sipped on a fresh brew. Tea, in all its glory, is the pride of our nation! India is one of the world’s largest consumers of tea, with about three-fourth of the country’s total produce consumed locally. What is it about tea that makes it an irreplaceable beverage? The inviting aromas, irresistible flavours, and warmth emanating from tea brews keep us going back to it every few hours. Healthy Tea Recipes by Tea Culture of the World! Sipping on a warm, healthy cup of tea is a daily ritual for most of us. It prepares us for the day and brings us sweet relief by the end of it. But, did you know that tea has the potential to add more flavour to your delicious dishes as well?

Yes, apart from drinking tea to revive yourself, you can even enjoy its flavour through your meals! Be it starters or main platters or desserts - tea can be the perfect ingredient. It can lend sweet or smoky, subtle or strong flavours to a dish, creating a culinary experience that surprises, delights and inspires. The finest estate teas by Tea Culture of the World. How often do you find yourself craving a cup of warm tea first thing in the morning or after a long, exhausting day?

The sheer joy that a soothing brew brings is incomparable. No wonder that after water, tea is the second-most popular beverage. Brew A Cup Of Oolong Tea For A Soulful Indulgence. An oolong tea brew is an invitation to a soulful tea experience. Oolong tea has been an imperial favourite since it was first introduced to the world.

Made from the Camellia Sinensis plant, it is slightly fermented and semi-oxidized. There’s plenty to choose from when it comes to oolong teas, but the most famous of them all hails from the Fujian province of China. Oolong tea taste is splendidly smoky with nutty overtones. Its aroma is toasty and nutty as well, and the appearance is a delicate brown. There’s something very elegant in the way the long Oolong tea leaves unfurl, releasing a smoky, nutty aroma. Know Interesting Facts About Green Tea With Tea Culture of the World. An immunity booster, a natural remedy to keep illnesses at bay, a healthier alternative for coffee, nutrient-packed, antioxidant-rich, and the likes - when it comes to the list of facts about Green tea, most of what we know revolves around its ability to heal.

But, how much do we truly know about our beloved Green tea otherwise? Let’s unravel the many mysteries of Green tea beyond its popular title of a ‘wellness potion’. Here are some known and some unknown facts about Green tea, highlighting its origin, characteristics, types and other uses! Discover different types of tea and their characteristics with Tea Culture of the World! Different varieties of tea serve different purposes - some make your day, some put you to sleep at night; some keep you warm during winters, some allow you to keep your cool despite the summer heat! Brew The Best Teas For Glowing Skin With Tea Culture of the World!

Beauty is beyond appearances; it’s a feeling that you carry in your bones and on your skin; a feeling that helps you stride with confidence; a feeling that helps you stand tall and face the day head on! Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin and indulging in some self-love, every once in a while. Since our skin is constantly exposed to the harshness of the outside world, it’s only fair to pamper it every chance you get! How do you do that? White Tea vs. Green Tea: Which Blend Do You Fancy? The age-old battle of Coffee vs. Green tea began when the herbal, humble and health-packed tea brews began to replace coffee cups on breakfast tables, office desks and nightstands. Although coffee still remains to be a popular beverage, Green tea did manage to win most hearts when it came to well-being. How To Make Green Tea with Tea Bags? In the hustle era, a filled-to-the brim routine is the latest trend and it is here to stay. Our lives are scheduled down to the minute thanks to the thousand personal and professional tasks we have to check off our to-do lists daily.

So, how does one indulge in an exquisite tea experience that makes it all worth it? Tea Culture of the World’s Exclusive Subscription Plans For Tea Connoisseurs! Monday 30th November 2020 Every on-the-go tea connoisseur knows how priceless tea bags are. Yes, loose leaf tea indulgences make for unforgettable experiences. But, the fact remains that today’s fast-paced world leaves us with time windows that are too small to satiate our tea cravings in an elaborate manner. This is precisely where tea bags come to our rescue. Embrace The Many Health Benefits Of Black Tea With Lemon! 7 Most Popular Types Of Black Tea Blends By Tea Culture of the World! All About Moroccan Mint Tea: Origin, Recipe & Benefits! When the magnificent culture of Morocco mingles with the inescapable freshness of mint, you are bound to get an infusion that excites, enchants and energises, all at the same time. Gentle whiffs of freshness soothe your senses as you sip on brews made of Moroccan Mint tea.

Let’s learn a little about how this exquisite blend comes into being! During the Crimean War in 1850, a British tea merchant realized he wouldn’t be able to deliver his Gunpowder green tea shipment to Scandinavia, and diverted it to Morocco instead. The locals quickly made the tea their own, by sweetening it and adding mint while brewing. The blend, called Maghrebi, was so smooth and sweet, that it soon became a hallmark of Moroccan social life. Exclusive Diwali Gift Collections: Showering Your Celebration With Delight. Our beautifully diverse country is home to many cultures and hence, many celebrations. We love indulging in grand festivities all round the year! But, the one festival that lights up everyone’s night sky is Diwali! Every year we giddily look forward to the festival of lights garnished with platters of sweet, spicy and salted snacks. Tea Experiences With A Touch Of Exotic Luxury: Tea Culture of the World’s Lotus Tea!

When the best of the best green tea leaves are wrapped within the buds of just-bloomed lotus flowers, fortunate tea lovers get to experience a unique fusion of flavour and fragrance. There’s nothing better than starting your day with a touch of exotic luxury; refresh your mind and body with the essence of a thousand lotus flowers. Indulge in a spicy affair with Tea Culture of the World’s Masala Chai blend! When you think of India, you are instantly reminded of the scent of spices that entice your senses, and then of the strong flavours that leave you craving for more with every sip.

The best of these flavours and scents come together in every brew born out of our Masala Chai blend. In a country where sweet conversations over something-spicy are an everyday occurrence, Masala Chai naturally finds home on all of our shelves. What is Masala Chai? Indulge In Wellness With Tea Culture of World’s Detox Tea! Top 5 Health Benefits of Kashmiri Kahwa Tea. Welcome Wellness: Health Benefits of Herbal Teas. Unlock a treasure trove of health benefits with Pu-erh Tea! Sip on the sheer goodness of Matcha Tea with Tea Culture of the World!

Want to keep unwarranted illnesses away? Try our ‘Happy Immunity’ blend!