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A Fall for Pumpkin & Acorns Soup. Pumpkin and wild acorns soup, garnished with pumpkin seeds and a dollop of sour cream.

A Fall for Pumpkin & Acorns Soup

Okay I’ll admit it. I’m rusty—rusty at cooking, rusty at foraging, rusty at writing about stuff that interests me. I swear I ignore the writing for a week and suddenly it’s three weeks and before I know it I’ve totally forgotten that I actually enjoy writing. The computer crash didn’t help. I lost several not-yet-published entries I was excited about—one on homemade wild sumac candies (think pink lemon drops), yet another acorn rant, and a fun-filled account of recent drama that took place around a foragers’ gathering down Denver way, wherein Gregg’s car landed in the impound just as I was making the famous Hank Shaw’s acquaintance. Although the airport security offer who confiscated my wild currant preserves wouldn’t take them home with him, he did at least oblige me a final photo.

Luckily a mid-west vacation intervened, just what I needed to rest up from all that insanity. Filed under: edible. World's Best Recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes. A Classic Southern Dish Yes, there really is a trick to making gorgeous fried green tomatoes.

World's Best Recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes

I'm from the South and have fried hundreds of them. Fried Green Tomatoes are about the "how" -- that is, the technique. Read All Of These Instructions Before You Start Don't let the length of this article scare you off. When they're done right, they're incredibly delicious. Too often, I read recipes that don't explain the *why* of making genuinely beautiful fried green tomatoes. The Ingredients Green tomatoes (they should be firm, and feel heavy in your hand) Salt Black pepper Sugar 1 egg 1 1/2 cups buttermilk 1 1/3 cup all purpose flour 2/3 cup yellow cornmeal (you can use white cornmeal -- I prefer yellow) canola (or peanut) oil The Technique for Frying Green Tomatoes I haven't mentioned the amount of salt, pepper and sugar, nor the amount of green tomatoes -- this recipe can be used to fry 2 or 3, or to make enough for a crowd.

Farmers' Almanac Gardening Calendar. October 2017 2nd - 3rd Extra good for vine crops.

Farmers' Almanac Gardening Calendar

Favorable days for planting aboveground crops where climate is suitable. 4th - 5th Extra good for vine crops. Favorable days for planting aboveground crops where climate is suitable. 6th - 7th Good days for transplanting. 8th - 9th Poor days for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground. 10th - 12th Start seedbeds and flower gardens. 13th - 16th A most barren period, best for killing plant pests or doing chores around the farm. 17th - 18th Fine for sowing grains, hay, and forage crops. 19th - 21st Start seedbeds. 22nd - 23rd Do clearing and plowing, but no planting. 24th - 26th Plant tomatoes, peas, beans, and other aboveground crops, indoors in the North and outdoors in lower South. Recommended Soil pH for Growing Different Fruits and Vegetables. Plants and Flowers that Grow Well in Partial or Light Shade. Edible Flowers Guide. It is surprising how many flowers growing in our gardens are edible.

Edible Flowers Guide

Edible flowers have been used for years in cooking or as decorations for various dishes.The Chinese were the first to experiment with flowers as food and their many and varied recipes can be traced back as far back as 3,000 B.C. In Roman times, the edible flowers of pinks, violets and roses were used in dishes and lavender in sauces. Gardeners and cooks over 1000 years ago were already using pot marigolds and orange blossom in their cooking.

Today many fine restaurants around the UK and indeed the world are using more and more edible flowers to enhance salads with their colour, texture and intriguing flavours, as well as for decoration on appetisers, starters, cakes and many other dishes. It is always best to grow your own edible flowers, and then you can be sure that they are clean, fresh and free from pests and disease. Edible Flowers Disclaimer: Thompson & Morgan has researched all the edible flowers listed below.