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Baked Goods

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Espresso and Cream. A couple weeks ago after a trip to Florida, I wrote about healthy eating strategies for traveling.

Espresso and Cream

And since J. lives in Illinois, it seems like I spend a whole lot of time traveling, eating on the go, and trying my best to stick to a healthy eating schedule. Not an easy thing to do! Eating From the Ground Up. Seven years ago today, I woke up in tears.

Eating From the Ground Up

It was my due date for the baby who we would come to know and love as Sadie, but I had been in and out of labor for three weeks, and I was convinced that I would be pregnant forever. Even though there is no actual case of a woman staying pregnant for the rest of her life, somehow so many women go through the experience of suspecting that they will be the first.By the end of that day, I was a mother, and tired as I was from all that, well, birth, I didn’t sleep at all.

I looked at Sadie’s face the entire night, absolutely amazed.