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Dan John: Realistic Reps. Fixing Bad Pushups - A Personal Trainers Guide - Personal Trainer Development Center. Note from Jon: A version of this article was originally at It is republished here with permission. One exercise that tends to get butchered more than any other is the pushup. Due, in large part, to its’ relative ease to perform, lack of specific impact, and overall impact on the body, the pushup is a popular exercise choice. I’d estimate that one person in 25 can actually do a pushup properly. To perform it properly it takes a lot of strength from the scapular stabilizers, specifically from muscles like the lower trapezius, serratus anterior, and latissimus dorsi. For all the anatomy buffs out there pushing their glasses back up on their noses and waving a proud finger in the air to proclaim “Those are all back muscles and antagonists to the pushup!!”

Yes, you’re right, they are. Charlie Weingroff illustrates this point beautifully with the slingshot analogy. As a bit of an experiment, I took a couple of clients through a small experiment last year. . #1: The Neckless. The Ten Worst Types of Personal Trainers - Bret Contreras. In any field, you’ll find a large discrepancy between the most talented and competent individuals and the least talented and competent individuals. In the world of personal training, there is no exception. The best and most effective trainers exhibit markedly different characteristics compared to the least effective trainers. Listed below are the ten worst types of personal trainers. The Progressive Overload at Any Expense Trainer The progressive overload at any expense trainer might start off on the right path, teaching clients proper form with basic compound movements such as squatting, hip hinging, lunging, bridging, pressing, and pulling.

Good trainers know that progress is NEVER linear, and that over the course of a year, strength gains zig-zag. Who cares if you rounded bro – you PR’d! The No Regressions Trainer In the no regressions trainer’s world, everyone starts out with a barbell, even if they’re not ready for it. The Overly Functional Trainer The Machines Only Trainer.

It's All in the Hip: 5 Steps to Fixing Movement Dysfunction. Block Lunges: Release the Quadriceps and Lengthen the Hamstrings. Squats and Hip Dysfunction: 2 Common Problems and How to Fix Them. Why Screening and Corrective Exercise Should Be the Foundation of Every Exercise Program. How Sleep Deprivation Fries Your Hormones, Your Immune System, and Your Brain. “I can sleep when I’m dead!” “The early bird gets the worm.” Ever said either of those things to yourself? Or do you no longer have to say these things to yourself because you run on four to five hours of sleep pretty much every night? You’re used to it. You don’t need sleep, right? That’s for lazy, unmotivated people who don’t have things to do. You’re way more productive than the average bear.

That’s what I used to tell myself, too. People seem to wear their lack of sleep like a badge of honor. Sleep Deprivation vs. Chronic sleep deprivation can cause numerous mechanisms to go wonky inside the body. Sleep deprivation can also cause weight gain. Leptin and Ghrelin But, it’s not just the glucose intolerance working against you. Cortisol You’ve probably heard of cortisol. Chronic sleep deprivation seems to mess cortisol secretion up. Sleep Deprivation vs. Oh, and let’s not forget how sleep deprivation affects our cognitive skills.

Sleep Deprivation vs. Say what? So, get to bed people! Muscles of the back labelled. I have set out the muscles of the back labelled within a diagram in order to help improve your knowledge of the major muscle groups. There might be some cross over from the other anatomy diagrams such as shoulders. This is important to realize as the back is a large area with the muscles supporting different functions such as arm movement, stabalizing the spine and also works in conjunction with the pectoral girdle (chest and rib cage). The back muscles also move the hips, head and pelvis. We could group the muscles of the back into three groups, upper, lower and deep spinal. The lower skeletal muscle of the back work with the hip muscles to tilt the pelvis backwards and forwards. They also extend and flex the lower spine. The upper skeletal muscle of the back depress, elevate and rotate the scapula (shoulder blade), and aid in moving the humerus (long bone of upper arm) in all of its movements.

These muscles are mainly responsible for all 'pulling' movements in conjunction with the biceps. Eric Cressey Blog | Strength and Conditioning Training, Exercises, Fitness Education, and Resources. Advice From a Former College Baseball Player: What If? Written on April 7, 2014 at 7:17 am, by Eric Cressey Today's guest post comes from current Cressey Performance intern, and former D1 college baseball player, James Cerbie.

-EC What if? It’s the age-old question that has haunted athletes and competitive people for ages. What if I had done this? Unfortunately, these questions will never have answers. I’m in the middle of my internship here at Cressey Performance, and to say I’m greeted with the “what if” question on a daily basis would be an understatement. And just to bring you up to speed, I’m speaking to the training and preparation of baseball athletes. Here are 6 things I really wish I would have known, or done more of during my baseball career, courtesy of my experience here at Cressey Performance. 1. I’ve always been a good athlete.

Because I was always a good athlete, however, I believe certain aspects of my training got overlooked. “James…these things just happen. Oh really? “1. Foam Rolling. Michael Boyle Originally printed in Training and Conditioning Magazine December 2006 Foam Rolling? A decade ago strength and conditioning coaches, athletic trainers, and physical therapists would have looked quizzically at a thirty six inch long round piece of foam and wondered "What is that for? ". Today nearly every athletic training room and most strength conditioning facilities contain an array of foam rollers in different lengths and consistencies. What happened? What does all this have to do with foam rollers you might ask? What is a Foam Roller and How do You Use It? A foam roller is simply a cylindrical piece of some type of extruded hard-celled foam. Note:It is the authors belief that massage fell out of favor during the physical therapy boom of the 1980's not because it was ineffective but, because it was not cost effective.

The use of foam rollers has progressed in many circles from an acupressure type approach to a self-massage approach. Video 1b Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 When to Roll. Tony Gentilcore — Because heavy things won't lift themselves. Cressey Sports Performance. Bret Contreras | How to Build Strong, Powerful Glutes and Increase Your Explosive Strength, Speed, and Athleticism. If Great Glutes are Your Goal, then You've Come to the Right Place. Master's Degree and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Bret.

Alwyn Cosgrove.