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Business-in-a-box cloud application for the tattoo industry. Connect all parts of your tattoo studio. This point-of-sale and scheduling software connects your marketing, scheduling and invoicing all in one system.

Kickstart 2020 with powerful Tattoo Studio Software – Tattoopro Blog. Okay it’s the new year, and you know what that means: Clients are thinking of new tattoos and planning their 2020 pieces.

Kickstart 2020 with powerful Tattoo Studio Software – Tattoopro Blog

With the recent passing of Kobe Bryant and Nipsey Hussle, commemorative pieces have unfortunately become the top trending theme in the industry this year. Let’s hope there are no more events of that nature for the rest of the year! Let your work speak for itself, connecting your Google page to TattooPro – Tattoopro Blog. 46% of all searches on Google are local, meaning people within a certain target mile radius are actively searching for goods and services you might be providing.

Let your work speak for itself, connecting your Google page to TattooPro – Tattoopro Blog

This alone represents billions of high-value queries within your region. Most importantly the amount of “near me” searches in the last year have doubled, indicating people are actively searching for local businesses on search engines. Additionally, according to recent estimates 91% of adults use search engines to find information. Untitled. Overview of TattooPro Software. TattooPro - Tattoo Software on Instagram: “Another beautifully installed system. Shout out to @danielwerdertattoo of @boartoothtattoo #tattoostudiosetup #pos #digitalconsentforms…” Overview of TattooPro Software. Finding The High-Quality Tattoo Studio Software At Reasonable Priced. Tattoo has gotten a lot of attention in our modern hectic world and are back being the favorite of everyone while wearing some favorite outfit.

Finding The High-Quality Tattoo Studio Software At Reasonable Priced

It is similar to your precious jewelry but you can’t replace very quickly just like a necklace. There are various respective who offer tattoo studio software at an affordable prices to fit your needs. Owing to the sparkling brilliance and the value of the tattoo designs are loved and admired by all. With the numerous companies providing sparkling brilliance tattoo choosing one of them can be a daunting task for any of the individuals. Let Your Work Speak For Itself, Connecting Your Google Page To Tattoopro – tattopro. The process of connecting your tattoo studio software directly to your social pages (Google, Yelp, Facebook) is simple with TatooPro’s award winning technology.

Let Your Work Speak For Itself, Connecting Your Google Page To Tattoopro – tattopro

Our technology allows for multiple things to happen once a customer has submitted a review. The first being, our internal algorithm actually runs a model determining which social platform is the most valuable to you, meaning if you have a large following and presence on Yelp, the review will go first to Yelp, giving you the biggest bank for your buck (ultimately reviews are meant to drive new business).

Second, the algorithm knows exactly when, and how to send the review specifically helping you for search engine optimization purposes (we won’t get too technical). Tattoo Pro shop and Software. - Complete Cloud Based Software for the Tattoo Industry. Modernizing Your Business with Digital Consent Forms. Time for everyone's favorite subject, consent forms (no but seriously, this is important).

Modernizing Your Business with Digital Consent Forms

Let’s face it, nobody really likes printing forms off, wasting money on ink, having them signed and returned and finally figuring out where to store them, do they? When picking an app, or system for digital forms, there are plenty of factors that come into play. First, how cost effective is it? Second, do I pay per usage? Meaning, do I really need to pay a small fee every time a customer uses a digital form? Kickstart 2020 With Powerful Tattoo Studio Software. Posted by TattooPro on February 17th, 2020 Okay it’s the new year, and you know what that means: Clients are thinking of new tattoos and planning their 2020 pieces.

Kickstart 2020 With Powerful Tattoo Studio Software

With the recent passing of Kobe Bryant and Nipsey Hussle, commemorative pieces have unfortunately become the top trending theme in the industry this year. Let’s hope there are no more events of that nature for the rest of the year! Time to ditch the pen and paper to streamline your business and grow. Posted by tattoopro on February 4th, 2020 The first known tattoo on a human was somewhere between 3370 and 3100 B.C.

Time to ditch the pen and paper to streamline your business and grow

(but hey, who’s keeping track?). Today’s tattoo industry is growing rapidly and is moving from multiple disconnected systems to one powerful, all-in-one, tool. Simply put, tech is taking over. - Complete Cloud Based Software for the Tattoo Industry. Why Do You Want To Have A Tattoopro: tattoopro — LiveJournal. A tattoopro is a simple business administration device that helps in sales, eliminates the additional expense, automated operations, and prepares a tattoo shop further profitable and profitable.

Why Do You Want To Have A Tattoopro: tattoopro — LiveJournal

Whether it be an online booking, conveying with the consumers via automatic text, capturing and cataloging images of consumer tattoos, target the email-marketing, TattooPro does these all. We direct the business in stature administration and assist your business boost its rating on Google to help drive new consumers. How Our Software Is Important? Use Tattoo Software And Create Unique Designs. Posted by tattoopro on January 28th, 2020 Tattoo studio software enables you to create a loyalty program, helps in client management, automatic booking, and accounting procedures.

Use Tattoo Software And Create Unique Designs

The App helps the tattoo artists with the management of clients and organization of previous work, references, and meetings. The Tattoo and piercing studios that want a reasonable explanation to manage the meetings, tracking of the customer history, and manage the inventory. This software facilitates the tattoo experts to manage their appointments, consumer evidence and track the deposits.