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3 Vietnamese Bloggers Charged Over Their Writing. Vietnam dissidents forced to flee after exposing Communist crackdown | World news. A policeman, flanked by local militia members, tries to stop a foreign journalist from taking pictures outside the Ho Chi Minh City people's court, where a human rights case was taking place in August. Photograph: Ian Timberlake/AFP/Getty Images Two Vietnamese dissidents have fled the country under the threat of imprisonment or worse after collaborating with the Guardian on an article that highlighted a mounting crackdown in the country.

In addition, the correspondent who wrote the story, freelancer Dustin Roasa, was detained as he tried to return to Vietnam recently and held overnight at Ho Chi Minh City's Tan Son Nhat airport before being put on a flight out of the country the next day. "You are not welcome in Vietnam for security reasons," Roasa was told. The article published in January exposed how dozens of pro-democracy activists were monitored, harassed, arrested, beaten and imprisoned for challenging the authority of the Communist party.

Vietnamese Writers Honored for Commitment to Rights. Vietnam: Free Religious Activists Immediately. (New York) – Vietnamese authorities should immediately end their crackdown on religious activists and free 15 people detained for expressing their beliefs, Human Rights Watch said today. The arrests, primarily targeting Catholic Redemptorists, are a new blot on the country’s already problematic record on freedom of religion. The current wave of arrests began on July 30, 2011, when the police arrested three Catholic activists at Tan Son Nhat airport in Ho Chi Minh City as they returned from abroad. During the next seven weeks, the authorities arrested 12 more religious activists.

So far, 10 have been charged with violating penal code article 79, subversion of the administration, which carries a 5-to-15-year sentence for “accomplice” and 12 years to life, or the death penalty, for those designated as “organizers” or those whose actions have “serious consequences.” Pastoral leaders at both churches report they suffer from regular police surveillance and harassment. Tatn: @weddady Blogger Huỳnh Côn... Dans un contexte de plus en plus tendu, Paulus Lê Son à nouveau arrêté. Reporters sans frontières condamne l’arrestation musclée, le 3 août 2011, à Hanoï, du blogueur Paulus Lê Son ( Le net-citoyen a été arrêté dans le cadre d’une vaste opération de police visant une dizaine de personnes d’obédience catholique.

Il s’agit de la seconde arrestation de Paulus Lê Son depuis le début de l’année. “Il s’agit à nos yeux d’un véritable « kidnapping policier » et nous ne pouvons qu’être révoltés par la méthode brutale utilisée par les autorités. Le gouvernement ne cherche visiblement plus à maquiller sa politique d’oppression. Témoignant d’une sorte de dérive à la chinoise de la répression, les dissidents ne risquent plus seulement de se faire arrêter ou censurer au Viêt Nam, mais peuvent également se faire enlever, en pleine rue, à la vue de tous,” a déclaré Reporters sans frontières. L’arrestation du blogueur s’est déroulée devant le domicile à Hanoï, à 11h30. Tuyet N. T.: #VietNam govt re-arrested... Tuyet N. T.: #Vietnam 's #bloggers risk... ‪Đàn áp dã man lòng yêu nước - CA đạp vào mặt người biểu tình‬‏ Tuyet N. T.: #VietNam 's #blogger Dieu... From 'Hell to Heaven' Freed Vietnamese dissident vows to continue fighting for human rights. Fresh from her release from prison in Hanoi, a Vietnamese pro-democracy activist said Friday that she would continue to expose rights abuses in the one-party communist state she calls "hell.

" "My first impression [here in the U.S.] was that I just came from hell to heaven, and until now I still can't believe that this is true," Tran Khai Thanh Thuy said in an interview on arrival in the United States. Thuy, a 50-year-old journalist and novelist, was deported to San Francisco with her teenage daughter on Friday following her release by the Vietnamese authorities on humanitarian grounds. It is believed to be the first such release in recent years. Thuy was sentenced to three and a half years in prison in February last year on an assault charge, which she called "a fabrication and total slander. " Her husband, Do Ba Tan was also jailed on a similar charge.

Honesty "My passion is writing, I'm a straightforward person. Honored. Tuyet N. T.: #VietNam Author, Dissident... Vietnam: The Party vs. Legal Activist Cu Huy Ha Vu. Vietnam: Free Political and Religious Detainees. (New York) - Dozens of peaceful advocates for democratic reforms, rule of law, religious freedom, and human rights face arbitrary detention and harsh prison sentences, with no respite in sight, Human Rights Watch said today, on the fifth anniversary of the founding of the democracy movement known as Block 8406. "With a steady stream of people being locked up for nothing more than asking for their rights, the situation is critical," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "Vietnam's donors and development partners need to forcefully express their public support for Vietnam's courageous activists and call for the immediate release of all who have been arbitrarily detained.

" Named for its inception date of April 8, 2006, Block 8406 swelled into a movement of thousands through online petitions calling for respect for basic human rights, establishment of a multiparty political system, and guarantees of freedom of religion and political association. Annex •1. . •2. . •3. Vietnam activist Cu Huy Ha Vu jailed after Hanoi trial. 4 April 2011Last updated at 10:48 By Nga Pham BBC News, Hanoi Lawyer Cu Huy Ha Vu is one of Vietnam's more high-profile activists A court in Vietnam has sentenced legal activist Cu Huy Ha Vu to seven years in prison for spreading anti-government propaganda.

Mr Vu, who was arrested in November, had called for an end to one-party rule. The verdict will draw criticism from rights organisations, who had before the half-day trial called for his immediate release. His family has also questioned the legitimacy of the trial. Mr Vu's defence lawyers walked out of the Hanoi courtroom after their demands were rejected by the judges. Revolutionary background Mr Vu was sentenced to seven years in jail and three years of house detention afterwards. Through his writing and interviews given to foreign media, the 53-year-old legal expert advocated a multi-party system and called for democratic reforms in Vietnam. VIETNAM Hanoi Catholics arrested and beaten for wanting to follow Cu Huy Vu trial. » 04/05/2011 11:47VIETNAM Hanoi Catholics arrested and beaten for wanting to follow Cu Huy Vu trialby J.B.

An DangAmong those detained by police are well known lawyer Le Quoc Quan, journalists, youth leaders. U.S. State Department "troubled" over the conduct of trial. Hanoi (AsiaNews) - " At least 29 Catholics were arrested at 8 AM on Monday morning when they were on their way to the court-house to observe the proceedings,” against lawyer and activist Cu Huy Ha Vu, the Catholic Youth Association of Vinh reported. Among them was Le Quoc Quan, a celebrated Catholic lawyer who has just filled out his application to run for Congress as a Catholic.

Others arrested were Paulus Le Son, a blogger and a regular writer on the Redemptorists’ website; John Nguyen Van Tam, Catholic Student Group leader, and other young, patriotic students who came to show their respect for the non-Catholic defendant. Vietnam: Release Prominent Legal Activist. (Bangkok) - Vietnam should immediately release the human rights and environmental defender Cu Huy Ha Vu, Human Rights Watch said today. Dr. Vu was arrested on November 5, 2010, and is being prosecuted under article 88 of the penal code for "propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. " His trial is scheduled to start on April 4, 2011, at the People's Court of Hanoi. During the last five years, Vu has emerged as one of the most prominent defenders of cultural, environmental, and human rights in Vietnam. "Cu Huy Ha Vu is being tried for his political bravery in peacefully challenging abuses of power, defending victims of land confiscation, and protecting the environment," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

Lt. Vu's defense lawyers and members of his family, including his wife, Nguyen Thi Duong Ha, who is a lawyer, have launched a vigorous and creative campaign in his defense. "Dr. Christian News Agency » Blog Archive » Vietnam To Jail Frail Catholic Priest; Dissident Detained. >Priest Ngyen Van Ly to be detained by mid March >Dissident Protesting The Case Already Arrested >International Concerns Over Priest's Health By BosNewsLife Asia Service Ngyen Van Ly was forbidden to speak at a recent trial. HANOI, VIETNAM (BosNewsLife)-- A Vietnamese Catholic priest known for publicly expressing views on democracy and human rights faced a difficult month Tuesday, March 1, as he was due to be imprisoned again on charges of spreading "propaganda" against the state", despite international concerns over his health.

Nguyen Van Ly, 64, suffered a stroke in prison in November 2009, which left him partially paralyzed, after being held in solitary confinement, Christians and rights activists said. He was granted a 12 month “temporary suspension” of his eight year jail sentence on March 15 last year, to allow medical treatment, after also being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Washington claims however it has raised the crackdown on pro-democracy activists with Vietnamese authorities.

BIỂU TÌNH Ở SÀI GÒN. BS Nguyễn Quốc Quân thuật lại cuộc nói chuyện với BS Nguyễn Đan Quế. Những ngày này chính quyền Việt Nam liên tục sách nhiễu và bắt giữ những nhà đấu tranh dân chủ trong nước do lo ngại những ảnh hưởng của cuộc Cách Mạng Hoa Lài tại Trung Đông và Bắc Phi. Bác sĩ Nguyễn Đan Quế cũng vừa bị công an bắt tạm giam ngày 26 tháng 2 vừa qua.

Bác sĩ Nguyễn Đan Quế là người đứng ra thành lập tổ chức mang tên Cao Trào Nhân Bản để đòi hỏi những quyền căn bản cho người dân tại Việt Nam. Trước khi BS Nguyễn Đan Quế bị công an tạm giam vào chiều ngày 26 tháng 2 vừa qua, ông có cuộc nói chuyện với BS Nguyễn Quốc Quân là người anh hiện ở tại Virginia, Hoa Kỳ. BS Nguyễn Quốc Quân thuật lại nội dung của lần nói chuyện đó như sau: BS Quế cũng đã nói rõ là "Tôi viết và tôi sẽ chấp nhận là đã tranh đấu thì phải hy sinh". BS Nguyễn Quốc Quân BS Nguyễn Quốc Quân: “Nói chuyện với BS Quế tôi nói rằng nếu mà công khai mà viết rõ ràng như thế này thì chắc chắn là họ sẽ làm khó dễ, thì BS Quế cũng đã nói rõ là "Tôi viết và tôi sẽ chấp nhận là đã tranh đấu thì phải hy sinh". Vietnam Detains Dissident for Uprising Call.

VN khởi tố ông Vũ Quang Thuận về tội 'tuyên truyền chống nhà nước' | Việt Nam | VOA Tiếng Việt. Giới hữu trách Việt Nam khởi tố một thành viên của một phong trào dân chủ bị cấm hoạt động về tội gọi là tuyên truyền chống nhà nước. Bản tin hôm thứ Tư của hãng thông tấn Đức trích thuật tin tức báo chí Việt Nam nói rằng ông Vũ Quang Thuận, 44 tuổi, người đứng đầu Phong trào Dân chủ Tiến bộ, đã bị bắt hôm mồng 2 tháng 2 tại phi trường Tân Sơn Nhất sau khi bị giới hữu trách Malaysia trục xuất vì nghi là có hành động khủng bố. Ông Nguyễn Hồng Vinh, một viên chức cao cấp của Viện Kiểm sát Nhân dân Tối cao, nói với hãng tin DPA rằng ông Thuận bị truy tố về tội tuyên truyền chống nhà nước. Ông Thuận và những người cùng chí hướng đã thành lập phong trào của họ vào năm 2007 để tranh đấu cho dân chủ, nhân quyền, hòa bình, công lý và thịnh vượng.

Đến tháng 5 năm 2009, khi nhóm của ông Lê Thăng Long – trong đó có luật sư Lê Công Định và các ông Trần Huynh Duy Thức và Nguyễn Tiến Trung, bị nhà chức trách bắt giam, ông Vũ Quang Thuận đã bỏ trốn sang Malaysia. Nguồn: DP, AFP, Tuoi Tre. Vu cao quan aug--8-09, nguyen nam phong phong van vu cao quan aug-08-09 tiengnoitudo on USTREAM. Other Entertainment. Dan Luan - khong gian mo bay to quan diem cong dan. Được tin từ các cựu chiến binh Hải Phòng báo cho ông Nguyễn Thanh Giang biết nhà dân chủ Vũ Cao Quận lâm bệnh nặng, “nhóm đại biểu Hà Nội” gồm luật sư Trần Lâm, nghệ sỹ lão thành Dương Hùng, tiến sỹ Nguyễn Thanh Giang, cựu chiến binh Ngọc Thế Phương, kỹ sư Nguyễn Phương Anh đã đi thăm ông Vũ Cao Quận.

Rất tiếc là luật sư Lê thị Công Nhân đang trên đường đến điểm hẹn tập kết để cùng lên xe ôtô thì bị công an bắt đưa về giam tại đồn công an Phương Liệt từ 10 giờ sáng đến 4 giờ chiều. Đã gần tám mươi, không chỉ cùng đất nước, cùng dân tộc bị đầy ải trong chiến tranh và đói nghèo mà còn bị đầy đọa trong hẩm hiu của số phận, cái thân hình vốn còi cọc mảnh mai nay càng teo tóp thảm thương. Người nhà lay gọi mãi ông mới từ từ mở mắt nhìn chúng tôi nhưng phải lâu lắm ông mới rướn người như khe khẽ rên: “Ôi Thanh Giang, lại còn được gặp Thanh Giang!”. Vợ ông mừng quá nói như reo: “Thế là ông ấy lại tỉnh rồi, mấy hôm vừa qua không nhận được ra ai, không nói nổi câu gì”.

PVDC từ Hà Nội. Trois ans et demi de prison pour une écrivaine agressée devenue "agresseur" : Reporters sans frontières dénonce un procès monté de toutes pièces. Reporters sans frontières dénonce la décision des magistrats d’une cour de Hanoi qui ont condamné, le 5 février 2010, à trois ans et demi de prison l’écrivaine et militante des droits de l’homme Tran Khai Thanh Thuy. Les accusations portées contre elle et son mari, Do Ba Tan, ont été montées de toutes pièces par la police, comme le démontre clairement une analyse des preuves utilisées par l’accusation.

Tran Khai Thanh Thuy n’a agressé personne, au contraire, elle et son mari ont été victimes de violences de la part des forces de sécurité qui leur rendent la vie impossible depuis plusieurs années. Le 5 février, une cour de Hanoi a jugé Tran Khai Thanh Thuy pour "coups et blessures" suite à une supposée agression en date du 8 octobre 2009. Ce jour-là, elle s’était rendue à Haïphong (est d’Hanoi) afin d’assister au procès de 6 militants démocrates.

Dans le dossier de la police, on trouve une photo présentée comme celle d’un des voisins blessés par le couple. Libérée sous caution après trois mois de détention, Lê Nguyên Huong Trà risque toujours sept ans de prison. Les charges contre la blogueuse Lê Nguyên Huong Trà, plus connue sous le pseudonyme Co Gai Do Long, ont été abandonnées, le 19 avril 2011, après plus de six mois de procédure. Le procureur a déclaré que ses actes n’étaient "pas si graves" et que la jeune femme avait "juste besoin d’être éduquée et avertie". La blogueuse avait été inculpée en octobre 2010 pour "diffamation envers un haut cadre du Parti". Elle avait été libérée sous caution en janvier dernier, mais les charges n’avaient pas alors été abandonnées. Elle risquait jusqu’à sept ans de prison. Libérée sous caution après trois mois de détention, Lê Nguyên Huong Trà risque toujours sept ans de prison24.01.2011 Reporters sans frontières a appris la libération sous caution de Lê Nguyên Huong Trà, âgée de 33 ans, plus connue sous le pseudonyme de “Co Gai Do Long”.

Lê Nguyên Huong Trà avait été arrêtée, le 23 octobre 2010, pour avoir qualifié le fils d’un responsable politique “d’homme à femmes”. Phan Kiến Quốc. Vietnam: End Crackdown on Lawyers, Rights Defenders. (New York) - Vietnam should immediately release an outspoken legal scholar and end its crackdown on lawyers and activists challenging the government on human rights, Human Rights Watch said today. Cu Huy Ha Vu, who has brought controversial legal complaints against the authorities, was arrested on November 5, 2010, and charged with conducting anti-government propaganda. "Cu Huy Ha Vu's arrest is the Vietnamese government's latest salvo in its campaign of repression against independent lawyers and activists who defend human rights and challenge official misconduct," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

Cu Huy Ha Vu joins a growing group of corruption-busting human rights lawyers and legal defenders including Le Cong Dinh, Nguyen Van Dai, Le Thi Cong Nhan, Le Tran Luat, Ta Phong Tan, Tran Quoc Hien, Le Quoc Quan, and Nguyen Bac Truyen who have been arbitrarily arrested, detained, disbarred, and pressured not to represent political or religious activists. Vietnam: Writers Honored for Commitment to Free Speech. Vietnam: New threats and attacks by authorities against the Redemptorists in Vietnam. Vietnam Under Rights Scrutiny. Letter From Vietnam. GỬI LẠI TRƯỚC KHI VỀ CÕI, Vài lời - VN thu quan. Luật sư Lê Trần Luật lại bị công an làm khó dễ. Công an đối xử thô bạo với LS Lê Thị Công Nhân « doithoaionline. GỬI LẠI TRƯỚC KHI VỀ CÕI, Vài lời - VN thu quan. Blogger Mẹ Nấm bị công an “mời”