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Chrome Experiments - Arcade Fire. The Wilderness Downtown Choreographed windows, interactive flocking, custom rendered maps, real-time compositing, procedural drawing, 3D canvas rendering... this Chrome Experiment has them all. "The Wilderness Downtown" is an interactive interpretation of Arcade Fire's song "We Used To Wait" and was built entirely with the latest open web technologies, including HTML5 video, audio, and canvas. HTML5 Canvas 3D engine renders a flocking bird simulation that reacts to the music and mouse. HTML5 audio plays music and keeps track of timecode.

Sequence system controls and synchronises effects and windows to the timecode. HTML5 video plays film clips in custom sizes. Choreographed windows are triggered by the music and placed relative to screen size. Map tiles are rendered, zoomed, and rotated in a scripted 3D environment. Animated sprites are composited directly over maps and Street View. 3D sky dome is used to render Street View with scripted camera control. 21 Ridiculously Impressive HTML5 Canvas Experiments. Drag HTML5. GetContext method (Internet Explorer) Syntax var retval = canvas.getContext(contextId, contextAttribute); Parameters contextId [in] Type: string The identifier (ID) of the type of canvas to create.

Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 support only a 2-D context using canvas.getContext("2d"); IE11 also supports 3-D or WebGL context using canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl"); contextAttribute [in, optional] Return value The context object. Standards information The canvas element, Section 4.8.11 Remarks The getContext method returns null if the contextId value is not supported. Examples The following code example uses getContext to get a context to use to show a 2-D filled rectangle and filled text. See also. The Good Man. Rails development and HTML5 development.