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7 Emotions that Trigger Reader Action. Foto-Galerie: Die Bilder des Tages - Bilder - Bilder des Tages. Bilder des Tages 15. April 2014 dpa/Larry W. Smith Seltenes Schauspiel: Über Kansas in den USA steht ein blutrot gefärbter Vollmond. dpa/Daniel Karmann Wolkendecke in XXL: Eine dichte Wolkendecke liegt über der Altstadt von Nürnberg. In der Mitte unten ist die Kaiserburg und rechts unten die Lorenzkirche zu erkennen. dpa/Hotli Simanjuntak Ein Polizist weist in Banda Aceh (Indonesien) eine Frau darauf hin, dass ihre Hosen nicht religionskonform sind. Dpa/David Ebener Ratebild: Was ist das? Dpa/Zurab Kurtsikidze Einkaufs-Spaziergang im Krisengebiet: Eine Frau passiert im ukrainischen Lugansk eine von prorussischen Aktivisten errichtete Barrikade. dpa/Karl-Josef Hildenbrand Rosa Natur-Teppich: Im Hofgarten der Residenz in Würzburg sind unzählige Blütenblätter von den japanischen Kirschbäumen gefallen. dpa/Karl-Josef Hildenbrand Momentaufnahme: Blühender Raps vor dunklen Regenwolken. dpa/Sven Hoppe Postkarten-Idyll: Rund um den Tegernsee in Bayern liegt in der Nacht gefallener Schnee. dpa/Erik S.

Couple digs themselves out of debt. How to be happier - Stepcase Lifehack. Would you like to be happier? I’ve gathered 7 tips you can put into practice immediately for more happiness in your life. The trick is to take what you believe will work for you right now, put it into practice, and build on your successes. You needn’t always be grins but I’m hopeful that you’ll get a few more with the following insights. Enjoy! 1. Listen to your inner child I wonder sometimes what would happen if we all pursued the art of being a goofball. 2. One benefit of being grateful and expressing your appreciation to others is the reciprocal nature of such things. 3. Giving up goals works in any area of your life. 4. If information isn’t helping you make decisions and only makes you feel miserable, why are you consuming it? 5. At the end of the day, it’s about how you say “no”, rather than the fact you’re saying no, that affects the outcome. 6.

Be grateful for your joy, every day. 7. What have you found makes you happier? Image: Martin Neuhof. Postcards from over the edge - Stepcase Lifehack. I still have a soul (HBO Boxing) 15 Ways to Be a Leader Today – or Any Day. Three years ago, one of my mentors was debating internally about how to handle a personnel situation. There were enough funds to employ one person. The performance of one worker was better overall, but the other worker often showed flashes of brilliance and was trusted more by his coworker. In the end, the decision was made to keep the one with flashes of brilliance.

After all, in my mentor’s words, “followers are easily replaceable, leaders are not.” Ever since that day, I’ve thought a lot about what makes a leader. Thus, he became much more vital to the organization than the steady, quiet employee who kept to himself. What does it mean to really be a leader? A leader with strong skills to back it up is indispensable to any organization. Speak up at meetings. I’ve found that time and time again, when I do this, people will come up to me afterwards and say, “Thanks for saying that!” Cut out the negative talk. Offer up some positive talk, instead.

Directly compliment impressive work. Lessons Learned from Bill Gates. “Humanity’s greatest advances are not in its discoveries, but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity.” – Bill Gates Passion, intensity, and tenacity. That’s one way to describe Bill Gates. When I think back to why I joined Microsoft, a very big reason was Bill Gates. Here was a guy with all the money in the world, yet he showed up every day to change the world. Rather than just retire and play with his money, he focuses his time, energy, and resources on making a better world. Leave the World a Better Place Than You Found It He fights the good fight to leave the world a better place than he found it, and he’s a world-wide giver of epic proportions.

N fact, he and Warren Buffet joined forces to drive a campaign to encourage the wealthiest people to give most of their money to philanthropic causes (see The Giving Pledge.) Create Systems and Ecosystems to Change the World It’s one thing to be smart. He’s not a seeker of fame or a seeker of fortune, although he has both. 1. 2. 3. Goldfish (eye candy from the Boing Boing Flickr pool) Manvotional: Report from the Attack on Thebes. Attaboy - EyeCandy. Eat like you're poor. : running. Kiwi! Wonderful Fantasy Photos. Okay so apparently my original submission caused a black hole in reddit that caused it to implode into itself. For all of those who asked here are the cute aliens, from said submission. Remember my girlfriend's Valentine's Day card last year? Tell me if she one upped herself... : pics. An open source collaborative network. Lucidworks Enterprise search solution is built on top of Apache Solr. It scales seamlessly w/sub-second response times under extreme query loads for multi-billion document collections.

It has user friendly UI, which does all the job of configuration and search. It is built on top of Solr, It has all its features like full-text search, result highlighting, faceted search, database integration, caching, distributed search and index replication. LucidWorks has integrated crawler which crawls the web, localsystem, database. Configure the path and schedule the duration, it will crawl and retrieve the data from the data source and index the content. LucidWorks has its own Lucid query parser which handles all query types. It has integrated Spell checking, Auto-complete, Click scoring support. For developers LucidWorks Enterprise comes with free of cost. What is the purpose of Searchengine in any product? Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href=" Related Articles Read more. Are You Prepared To Thrive Despite What Life Throws At You? Oh to be agile, and not just in the sense of physical agility, although that would be nice too.

The sense of agility that I’m referring to is, the ability to change focus, change the direction of your life, quickly and with as little impact on your life as a whole. Being able to quickly change direction, refocus, and get back on track are key qualities to establishing agility in your life. By being agile you’re better able to act on ideas, opportunities, and you can quickly start taking these ideas forward. But this is easier said than done, right? How can we become more agile? What if what it takes to become agile isn’t immediately obvious to us? I have a few ideas that can help you get started on your path to being more agile in your life. Non-attachmentImagine you have an idea you’re working toward or a goal that you’re striving to complete. Are you an agile person?