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9 Steps Towards Genuine & Effective Networking. Seven Great Questions to Ask at a Job Interview - Stepcase Lifehack. If you are going for an interview as a prospective employee then you should do some research. Read the job description and requirements carefully. Browse the web site to see how the organization presents itself. Search for news items and comments about the company on news sites and blogs.

For the interview itself you should dress smartly and appropriately. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Many candidates take a passive role at the interview. Creating the “future you” - Stepcase Lifehack. The goal of self-improvement is always to create a better future, whether you state that as your target or not. That’s why many of the approaches on offer make the link between behavior and results. They tell you to act in a certain way and imply that the results you want will surely follow.There’s a problem with this way of thinking. No one can tell what events and challenges the future will bring, so deciding to behave in a certain way—in advance—limits your flexibility to respond. It also ignores the most potent sources of change: your values and your unexplored emotions. It’s tempting to limit your thinking to behavior because it’s easily observable. There seems to be an obvious link between cause and effect. What you do or say produces a result and that creates the future, doesn’t it?

Not really. Who are you? There’s the essential problem. What really matters to you? Don’t let yourself be confused between values as ideals and values as choices. How can you make your hopes come true? 10 Powerful Success Strategies - Stepcase Lifehack. If you’re serious about creating lasting and significant change in your world – as opposed to merely thinking and talking about it for another year – there are a few things you might want to do in order to help make those intentions a reality… 1.

Know what success is. If you don’t know what success is (for you), how can you possibly create it? Success is different things for different people and one person’s success (a pregnancy for example) might be another person’s catastrophe. That’s because success (or failure) is not so much about the situation, circumstance, event or outcome as it is about what that “thing” means to the person in the middle of it.

In order to create success, you must first define it – and far too many people haven’t. Be very clear about what you want and don’t want for your life. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Watch out for the pigeons. 5 Easy Steps To Reach Perfection In Everything You Do - Stepcase Lifehack. Are you frustrated by the lack of perfection in your life? Are you fed up with all the mediocrity that surrounds you? If you’d like to vanquish uncertainty and mediocrity and replace them with joyful perfection, you’ve come to the right place! I discovered these 5 breakthrough steps as I backpacked across Mongolia with two of my best friends.

It was very late in the evening when we walked into a tiny village with a name I still can’t pronounce. Of course, it’s impossible to reach perfection. So why do we pretend? Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten. Or have we possibly grown as an online community to the point where a writer like myself can share an imperfect concept and figure out an optimal solution through subsequent commentary and email exchanges with readers? Let’s discuss. Image: zenonline. 10 Questions That Will Always Make You Better. 13 Sure Fire Ways to Raise Your Consciousness. Raising your consciousness means raising your vibration or your energy. The higher it is, the lighter and more at peace you feel. Think back to one of those days where everything went effortlessly. Work was seemingly a piece of cake, conversations went great, and your relationships just shined.

Everything was going so well that you broke into song and smiled to everyone you met. Can you remember a day like this? Obviously, we aren’t always this way. There are days when everything looks a shade darker. Life is about doing what you love and following your heart. We’ve been taught to strive, pursue and consume. Here are thirteen sure-fire ways of raising your consciousness: Simplifying Eliminate stuff, clear away clutter and clean your home.