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Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory. Not Always About Sex - Benefits of Cuddling. Psychology Facts. I was recently asked what are some tips for entering high school students and I suggested that to this individual to just follow the tips I have for college/university.

Psychology Facts

However, I then rethought of it and realize that high school was not so much like college/university at all. High school is a place for you to build your skills to prepare for later education. Laugh out Loud and Live a Better Life. The numerous health benefits we get when we laugh out loud are significant.

Laugh out Loud and Live a Better Life

Recent studies have shown that hearty laughter is good for, well, the heart. When we laugh, the tissue in our blood vessels expands. Our blood circulation increases, which helps in lessening the risk of heart disease, especially atherosclerosis. Furthermore, when we laugh, our pulse rate and blood pressure increases slightly. After the laughter subsides, the blood pressure actually goes lower then the original level. Laughter also helps aid our immune system. Laughter is in fact similar to an actual aerobic workout. When we work out, we exercise our muscles, and in the process we reduce mental and physical stress. Good Lips - The Perfect Kiss. Psychology knowledge: 14 Strange Mental Disorders. Sex on the brain: What turns women on, mapped out - life - 05 August 2011. It's what women have been telling men for decades: stimulating the vagina is not the same as stimulating the clitoris.

Sex on the brain: What turns women on, mapped out - life - 05 August 2011

Now brain scan data has added weight to their argument. The precise locations that correspond to the vagina, cervix and female nipples on the brain's sensory cortex have been mapped for the first time, proving that vaginal stimulation activates different brain regions to stimulation of the clitoris. The study also found a direct link between the nipples and the genitals, which may explain why some women can orgasm through nipple stimulation alone. The discoveries could ultimately help women who have suffered nerve damage in childbirth or disease. The sensory cortex is a strip of brain tissue positioned roughly under where the band between a pair of headphones sits. The Psychology of Musical Preferences. Would you ever go out with someone who listens to Justin Bieber?

The Psychology of Musical Preferences

Unfortunately, I do. My girlfriend and I have many common interests, but when it comes to music her love of mainstream pop is just hard for me to digest. A Guide to Beating the Fears That Are Holding You Back. “Every time we choose safety, we reinforce fear.” - Cheri Huber Post written by Leo Babauta.

A Guide to Beating the Fears That Are Holding You Back

Follow me on Twitter. The Secret of Performance Under Pressure. Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology. COUNSELLING BLOG. Drew Barrymore Filed under quotes counselling psychology therapy self help self improvement inspiration motivation goals success online counselling college happiness.


Beauty Of The Beholder. What is synesthesia like? Mircea Miclea, eduVision 2011. TEDxCluj - Daniel David - Excelence in Science and Ethics or How to be Human. Taking Breaks Makes You Work Better. 10 Psychological States You've Never Heard Of — And When You Experienced Them. Self-Awareness: The Gift That Keeps On Giving. How invaluable is the possession of self-awareness? What damage do we do when self-awareness evaporates? The Selfish Gene. Neuroscience of free will. Neuroscience of free will is the part of neurophilosophy that studies the interconnections between free will and neuroscience.

Neuroscience of free will

As it has become possible to study the living brain, researchers have begun to watch decision making processes at work. Findings could carry implications for our sense of agency and for moral responsibility and the role of consciousness in general.[1][2][3] Relevant findings include the pioneering study by Benjamin Libet and its subsequent redesigns; these studies were able to detect activity related to a decision to move, and the activity appears to begin briefly before people become conscious of it.[4] Other studies try to predict activity before overt action occurs.[5] Taken together, these various findings show that at least some actions - like moving a finger - are initiated unconsciously at first, and enter consciousness afterward.[6] A monk meditates. Overview[edit] INTP Profile. Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving by Joe Butt Profile: INTP Revision: 3.2 Date of Revision: 6 Aug 2010 INTPs are pensive, analytical folks.

INTP Profile

They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them. Vrei să-ţi dezvolţi capacitatea de concentrare? Cercetătorii au descoperit o metodă simplă şi eficientă. A DIFFERENT LOOK @ PAIN (PAIN IS TEMPORARY) Anxietatea și atacurile de panică nu te fac un om mai slab. Jung şi arhetipurile - Pedagogul. Ver la bella : how to stay positive + present when life's hard. After noticing that my pup, Bella, had lost about a pound (quite a lot for an 8 lb. dog!)

ver la bella : how to stay positive + present when life's hard

50 Tips for College Students. I did the "extended tour" of college. From about 1991-2002. I did get 4 degrees, so at least I have an excuse. :) I've also been an adjunct professor, so I've also been at the other side of the classroom. Psihoterapie - Analiza Tranzactionala. Analiza tranzactionala este teorie a personalitatii si o psihoterapie sistematica pentru dezvoltarea si schimbarea personala.

Test Yourself.