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Columbia University.

7- Eleven

My Library. DocsFiles - Free Download Ebook And PDF Files. VIDEOS DE LA UAB. En aquest seminari, que tindrà lloc a la FTI el 4 de desembre, hi intervindran els poetes sards Franco Cocco i Anna Cristina Serra, i els traductors Carles Biosca i Stefano Puddu, que descriuran els reptes que implica la traducció ( directa i inversa) de la poesia sarda contemporània.


També hi participaran Joan-Elies Adell, director de l'Espai Llull de l'Alguer, que repassarà les relacions entre les literatures catalana i sarda, i Laura Borràs, directora de la Institució de les Lletres Catalanes. L'acte, que comptarà també amb la presència d'alguns dels poetes catalans traduïts al Seminari de Farrera, acabarà amb un recital d'una mostra dels poemes treballats en aquest seminari, tant en la versió original com en la versió traduïda.

Política (Japó)

Shanghai's Convenience Store Competition Heats Up. “Welcome!

Shanghai's Convenience Store Competition Heats Up

Come on in,” shouts a young sales clerk, one of 15 staff working at a 7-Eleven convenience store, or "c-store. " The young man, clad in a jacket emblazoned with the chain store’s red, green and orange stripes, was sent to the 130-square-meter outlet in a business park on the outskirts of Shanghai for training in the finer details of customer service — a critical element in Taiwan-based President Chain Store Corporation’s strategy for getting a bigger foothold in China's crowded c-store market.

That particular outlet is the firm's flagship shop in Shanghai, which also serves as a training ground for staff, says Jackie Su, vice president of President Chain Store, which purchased the right to run 7-Eleven stores in the city from 7-Eleven China. “The most difficult task we face [in China] is training staff how to greet customers. This is something we do without any training in Taiwan…. Shanghai leads the way, with about 5,000 outlets serving its 20 million inhabitants. Xinhua – China, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment, Photos and Video.

The Many Faces Of Xi Jinping - Will China's New Leader Bring Real Reform? His name is Xi Jinping (pronounced Shee Jin-ping).

The Many Faces Of Xi Jinping - Will China's New Leader Bring Real Reform?

The future Chinese leader was born into privilege as a child of the "red dynasty. " His father was an old revolutionary companion of Mao's. But after his father's fall into disgrace, Xi experienced poverty, prison and the hardships of peasant life. What kind of leader will he be? As the 18th Party Congress, which will install a new leadership team for the nation, starts, it is not known yet exactly how many delegates there will be, nor the name of the candidates -- much less the details of their programs. Now that the time has come for him to step down, his designated successor, Xi Jinping, is arousing the same kind of speculation. Xi Jinping has been careful not to give detailed answers. The red dynasty, profoundly traumatized by the excesses and social cataclysms of the Maoist era, fears strong personalities like the plague.

Expelled from paradise. NIPPONIA.


Mapes. How to create a "My Map" in Google Maps.