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Strike it Out

Start by drawing a number line from to like this: The first player chooses a number on the line and crosses it out. What does effective mathematics teaching look like? The definition of what effective mathematics teaching looks like very much depends on what purpose we assign to teaching mathematics.

What does effective mathematics teaching look like?

A classroom where the primary objective is to teach students a specific set of mathematical skills for them to use later will look much different than a classroom where the primary objective is to teach students how to think mathematically, although there is obviously overlap between those two classrooms. For a good description of the type of classroom which achieves the first goal but fails at the second goal, see When Good Teaching Leads to Bad Results by Alan Schoenfeld. I will describe a classroom where the primary purpose of the classroom is to encourage mathematical reasoning, with a secondary benefit of students practicing mathematics skills they have developed.

What else would you add to this description of an effective mathematics classroom? Resources for mathematics enrichment. TeachHeath : LEVELED math questions that...

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Le coin des élèves - Accueil. Sites des profs de Jules-Verne. Récréomath Site de mathématiques récréatives. Mathematics Glossary. Valeur de position sur la droite numérique. Tables de Multiplication - Exercices à imprimer gratuit.