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A 20 Piece Classic 8F12A8C42AE 7C25073D8606 Jigsaw Puzzle. Quick Kana. Rapid Recognition Trainer for Hiragana and Katakana This is a simple trainer for learners of Japanese to improve their recognition speed of hiragana and katakana.

Quick Kana

The purpose of this exercise is to increase the recognition speed; thus, it is assumed that you have already learned the pronunciation of each letter. 1. Choose one of the six choices. ひらがな1 basic shapes ひらがな2 basic shapes + dakuon (voiced consonants) ひらがな3 basic shapes + dakuon (voiced consonants) + youon (glides) カタカナ1 basic shapes カタカナ2 basic shapes + dakuon (voiced consonants) カタカナ3 basic shapes + dakuon (voiced consonants) + youon (glides) Katakana Challenge. JLPT Level Check - Test your Japanese vocabulary, kanji and gram. Japanese language learning games. Japanese games for language learning on Digital Dialects All Japanese games are free to use, do not require registration, and are suitable for kids and students of all ages.

Japanese language learning games

Games for learning Japanese language in HTML5 (work on current browsers) include Japanese phrases, Japanese numbers, animals quiz, basic vocabulary quiz, days and months in Japanese and a colors quiz. We also make Japanese games for moblies and tablets. Good luck in your language learning endeavours! © 2018 Digital Dialects.