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Learning Quotes | Exploring Potential to Inspire and Wisdom to Adopt. Exploring learning quotes can be time well spent. Whether you find a spark of inspiration, or a seed of condensed wisdom, these quotes may change your life. Perhaps you’ll find a some motivational quotes that refresh you, or that re-awaken a dormant interest in learning. Others may encourage you to carry on learning when you may have felt like giving up. The value of lifelong learning is well made in these quotes because continual growth is an important element in the pursuit of happiness.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Learning is for LifeWhere better to start than with learning quotes which remind us that learning is for life. “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Charles Handy has written thoughtfully about learning in life.

“I have argued that life, for most people, is a process of discovery – of who we are, what we can do, and, ultimately, why we exist and what we believe. Keep it Simple. Seven Notable Quotes About Learning. Canterbury Quad, St. Johns, Oxford When we visit places like Oxford, Rome, or Athens we are reminded of great minds and the quest for knowledge. Learning seems to ooze from the buildings and be part of the air we breathe. But what is learning? And how do teens become life-long learners in today’s world? The brain changes that occur during adolescence heighten teen’s abilities to learn. “We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.” - Lloyd Alexander “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” - William A.

“All knowledge is connected to all other knowledge. “One of the reasons people stop learning is that they become less and less willing to risk failure.” - John W. “Never discourage anyone…who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.” - Plato “Almost anything can become a learning experience if there is enough caring involved.” - Mary MacCracken </b>*} {*style:<b>How Teens Become Active Learners. 21st Century Leaders for 21st Century Learners. Leaders are mentors | Lead on Purpose. One of the key tenets of leadership is the need to pass on the knowledge and experience to others. Most great leaders throughout history have made it a priority to grow and develop other leaders who can come in, take the reins and lead more effectively. A mentor is a trusted counselor or guide, a tutor, a coach.

A mentor cares more about helping others than getting credit. A mentor seeks to make the world better through helping individuals and inspiring them to help others. Guide: Mentors teach others how to learn, how to find ways to do things themselves. Make it a priority to find someone for whom you can be a mentor. Leaders are mentors. The Product Management Perspective: A key opportunity (if not specific job requirement) of a product manager is to inspire people on their team to be successful. Like this: Like Loading... Mentoring: An Essential Leadership Skill - Career Development from MindTools. An Essential Leadership Skill Mentoring is a key element in developing your people © iStockphoto/svanhorn Mentoring is an essential leadership skill. In addition to managing and motivating people, it's also important that you can help others learn, grow and become more effective in their jobs. You can do this through a mentoring partnership, which you can arrange within your organization or through a personal or professional network.

Should you become a mentor? Becoming a Mentor Mentoring can be a rewarding experience for you, both personally and professionally. To learn more about the advantages of mentoring, see Mentoring: A Mutually Beneficial Partnership . Is Mentoring Right for You? Even if you understand the benefits of mentoring and it sounds like a great idea, you have to decide whether it's right for you. Do you want to share your knowledge and experience with others? Clarify your reasons and motivations for becoming a mentor. What You Should Consider Where to Draw the Line Key Points. Mentoring - A Mutually Beneficial Partnership - Career Development from MindTools. A Mutually Beneficial Partnership © iStockphoto Do you want to move your career forward?

Would you like to develop your leadership skills as well as help others learn, grow, and improve their skills? Or would you like to find someone who can help you do these things? You can. Through a mentoring partnership. More professionals these days are actively pursuing mentoring to advance their careers. A mentoring partnership can be rewarding to both people, personally and professionally.

In this article, we'll look at what mentoring is, and discuss the reasons why you might enter into a mentoring partnership. What is Mentoring? Mentoring is a relationship between two people with the goal of professional and personal development. Mentors become trusted advisers and role models – people who have "been there" and "done that. " A mentoring partnership may be between two people within the same company, same industry, or same networking organization.

Mentoring and Other Professional Relationships. Mentoring - A Mutually Beneficial Partnership - Career Development from MindTools.