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Lucien Engelen: Crowdsource your health. Salvatore_CNN. Salvatore Iaconesi: I was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 39He says he decided to put his medical records online, invite world to help find a cureMore than 200,000 people have visited site; many have provided valuable information, supportIaconesi: I'm following a complex set of therapies before deciding on surgery Editor's note: Salvatore Iaconesi is a 39-year-old TED fellow and the artist and technologist behind Art is Open Source.


He teaches digital design at La Sapienza University of Rome. His medical records are publicly available at Iaconesi spoke in September at TEDx Transmedia, an independently organized event in Rome. TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading" which it makes available through talks posted on its website. Salvatore_New Scientist. The Internet of Things. This year’s Le Web event in Paris was based around the them of the Internet of Things (IoT); the way in which objects around us will gather data and connect to controls or other machines via the Internet.

The Internet of Things

The term Internet of Things was coined by the British technologist Kevin Ashton in 1999. Today, the huge amounts of data we are producing and the advances in mobile technologies are bringing the idea into our homes and daily lives. There are still issues that need to be bashed out of course, proprietary technologies and closed data systems don’t do much to help things along. Privacy, security and networks are also in need of further consideration.