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I’m Highly Sensitive; Am I OK? | Marilyn O'Malley Life Energy Coach. I am a highly sensitive person. When I walk into a room, I pick up on the mood, the decorations, the high and low energy of people, and lots of other subtleties. My intuition is incredibly awake. Without an understanding of my personal boundary between my energy and the rest of my environment, I can become easily overwhelmed.

It’s like I am a leaf blowing around in the wind. Not everybody values my highly sensitive trait. That sometimes makes me feel flawed and then I take on an ‘I’ll show you’ attitude. As I learn more about my highly sensitive self, I experience the value and accept it as a gift. My experience, first walking into Marilyn O’Malley’s office was like other exciting times in my life.

So intrigued by all this new information, I was ecstatic when she mentioned she would do an energy reading with me. Take a test to see if you are a Highly Sensitive Person: A Highly Sensitve Self Test Audio lesson on managing your energy as a highly sensitive person By: Kendra Koskin. Dr Ted Zeff: Healing for Highly Sensitive People.

Basic Energy Skills for Sensitive Souls Teleclass. Basic Energy Skills for Sensitive Souls Energy Skills Part I Are You IN Your Body Right Now? Learn to get grounded and to clear away "other people's stuff" so you can get back to your own life. Sensitive souls are often unknowingly affected by the energy, emotions, and desires of others. This can be confusing, painful, and overstimulating because we are unable to distinguish whether we are operating from our own center or someone else's. When we find our way back to our true ground and footing, we feel clearer about who we are and what we can accomplish.

In this class you'll learn about energetic techniques and valuable resources to help you clear away the energy and emotions you pick up from other people. The class materials includes a 63-minute recorded audio lecture and a 13-page PDF instruction manual and workbook. What you'll learn: A basic understanding of your energetic anatomy. . $97 All digital product sales are final sales. "I loved it! "Thanks, Jenna! The Highly Sensitive Person in Love. The Highly Sensitive Person In Love by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. Why did I turn to this topic? First, a corny sounding reason, but so true: The world needs love. And I believe HSPs are meant to bring much of that love to light. Second, before I began studying HSPs, my husband (a social psychologist) and I were very engaged in psychological research on love and close relationships--and we still are. Third, for over thirty years I've been an HSP married to a non-HSP--some of it pretty stormy--so I have considerable experience with how temperament impacts a relationship!

The Truth About The "Divorce Gene" Most of us assume that the success of a relationship between friends or lovers depends on having good communication skills or sharing similar interests. The single largest reason for this genetic effect is not a "divorce gene," I'm certain. HSPs in Love Let's start with the temperament we know, sensitivity. What About The Culture? Similars can get into trouble too. The Passion Test Coach » The Passion Test Coach. Workshops and Presentations. An exerpt of Dr. Ted's presentation at the HSP seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Zeff is considered one of the world's experts on the trait of high sensitivity.

He has more than 25 years experience counseling sensitive children and adults and his books have been translated into five languages. He has given presentations and workshops in Denmark, The Netherlands and in many venues throughout the United States. Dr. Dr. Coping Strategies for Sensitive Adults and Children How to Detect and Prevent Bullying in Children How Males Can Become More Sensitive, Compassionate and Vulnerable: “Sensitive Men Can Save the Planet.” Please contact Dr. If you are hosting a visit by Dr. For more information please contact Dr.