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No Bake Blueberry Pie (Probiotics) Blueberries, these tiny little gems pack a potent nutritional punch, and rank the highest of any fruit for antioxidants.

No Bake Blueberry Pie (Probiotics)

They possess powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols which are attributed to helping virtually all illness and diseases like, fighting cancer, protecting the heart and liver, lowering blood pressure and preventing coronary artery disease. Other excellent news is that just one cup of blueberries delivers 14% of the recommended daily dose of fiber and nearly a quarter of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. DIY Solar Powered Mason Jar Lights / Lantern Craft Tutorial. The making of these mason jar lights is very fun, educational, and rewarding.

DIY Solar Powered Mason Jar Lights / Lantern Craft Tutorial

Following this DIY tutorial, you’ll be able to create these beautiful multicolored lights in no time! This is a very easy and inexpensive project, and not only do they provide countless hours of personal enjoyment, they also make great gifts– especially to anyone who might have a deck, patio, or garden where they live. You can find solar powered lights for your yard at about any hardware store, as well as Walmart in the gardening center, and that’s exactly what we are going to use!

Check out our Frosted Solar Powered Sun Jars tutorial! The ones made of plastic instead of metal are going to cost anywhere from $1.98 to $3 dollars each. 15 Herbs & Spices That Help You Lose Weight. Lisa Mende Design: Penny Ball - Tuesday Tidbit. A Penny For Your Thoughts...

Lisa Mende Design: Penny Ball - Tuesday Tidbit

Have you ever made or seen a penny ball? I saw these images when I was rambling around Pinterest and thought how clever! I have always loved spheres in gardens, but most of the ones I have been drawn to are quite expensive. Toronto Gardens: Handmade Garden Projects. Last summer, I was thrilled to visit the queen of all things handmade, Lorene Edwards Forkner, to see real-life versions of projects that would appear in her then-upcoming book, Handmade Garden Projects from Timber Press.

Toronto Gardens: Handmade Garden Projects

Stick around to learn how you could win a copy in Toronto Gardens' first-ever giveaway. If you've read my disaster with concrete paving stones or my husband's ingenious watering can fountain, you'll know that I embrace handmade garden projects. When I received my review copy of Forkner's book a week ago, I began to spontaneously emit what can only be described as squeals of glee. Many of them. Naturally, when I get all het up like this, I approach my husband, smile, and say: Honey… come closer. Let me share some of the scenes from the Edwards-Forkner garden, then show you what we, um, did. Right away, there were a number of ideas in the book that we wanted to try our hands at.

Mosaic Tile Birdbath using Recycled DVDs. A few years ago, we bought a bird bath on clearance at the end of the season.

Mosaic Tile Birdbath using Recycled DVDs

We brought it home, set it up, and within a week, it had fallen over and broken into several pieces. And that could have been the end of the story, except that Hubby decided to glue it back together a couple of weeks ago. He’s a good guy like that. There were still some pretty big cracks to patch up though. So in anticipation of all the birds that would be flocking to our birdbath this year, I got out my secret weapon: J-B WaterWeld. It’s specifically designed to “repair and seal in underwater and wet conditions,” not to mention that it’s drinking water safe, which makes it the perfect repair for a birdbath because it won’t harm the birds.

It comes in the form of a tube of clay. Smooth it over the crack, and let it dry for 60 minutes. Next, I sanded it down with my orbital sander to make it nice and smooth. But it wasn’t exactly the look I was going for. Isn’t that pretty? And cut the edges off. The Gold Jellybean. Yesterday Sydney and I had a major art and craft day, and also experimented with making glow jars.

The Gold Jellybean

They have been floating around Pinterest for awhile now and look like so much fun! However, there is one tutorial that frustrates me. The image is clearly Photoshopped, and I think it’s very misleading. So, I decided to make a couple of our own jars so we can share our experience and method with you. I must admit, frustration aside, I was intrigued with the photoshopped glow jar image, it’s actually called fairies in a jar, and I wanted to try and replicate the glowing ‘fairies’ that appear to be suspended in mid-air. You will need a glass jar, glow sticks (I picked some up from the dollar store), rubber gloves to protect your hands, scissors, I recommend protective eyewear, and a piece of tulle (optional). If you are using the tulle, cut a piece slightly larger than the jar, and place inside. Now, put on those rubber gloves. Next, stir and shake the cut glow stick around inside your jar. Wine Bottle Cutting 30 seconds Perfect Edge Bottle Cutter GreenPowerScience Bottleneck Guitar Slide.

Fire Glass - No Smoke Odor or Ashes And Plenty Of Style. Fire glass is composed of very small bits of basic tempered glass.

Fire Glass - No Smoke Odor or Ashes And Plenty Of Style

As the name suggests, it is commonly used in fire pits and fireplaces. The ice and fire combination was able to gather a lot of attention, and quickly became one of the fastest growing trends for designers and homeowners. Our Simple DIY Home Solar Power System. Bringing some of the benefits of electrical power to our off-grid home has been a hit-or-miss affair.

Our Simple DIY Home Solar Power System

Over the years we’ve tried some very simple approaches to lighting and small battery recharging for our flashlights, such as hauling a 12 volt car battery to a small rural school about a half mile away every time it needed to be topped up. This was time consuming and inefficient. But we didn’t want to lose the feel of our simple home by bringing in a large generator and the jugs of gas needed to run it, and the prospect of setting up a wind turbine or solar array seemed expensive and a technological eyesore in a natural setting. How to Tell If Wood Pallets are Safe. Plant Care Today. Home Tips World. The Science of Learning a New Language (and How to Use It) Testing Your Soil pH Without a Kit - PreparednessMama. I’m always looking for quick tips to make my gardening chores easier.

Testing Your Soil pH Without a Kit - PreparednessMama

I ran across a couple of gardening hacks about testing your soil pH without a kit and I thought I would try them out and see what I need to do with my garden. Let’s do a little kitchen chemistry! But first… Why do you care if your soil is alkaline or acidic? Knowing your soil pH is the key to understanding if essential minerals will be available to the roots of your plants. According to The San Francisco Chronicle, “if you live in an area with alkaline soil — which has a pH above 7.0 — you have two options.

You can lower the alkalinity of your soil by adding organic materials like pine needles, peat moss, and composted leaves. According to the article, Your Garden’s Soil, in Mother Earth News, “Raising the organic matter content of soil will usually move the pH of both acidic and alkaline soils toward the neutral range. 100 of the Best Restaurant Copycat Recipes. Organizer By Day: 20 Crockpot meals under $10! Happy Saturday to you all!

Organizer By Day: 20 Crockpot meals under $10!

Hope your weekend is full of rest and relaxation because the holidays are now in full swing! We have the pleasure of hosting pretty much my husband's entire family tomorrow for an early Thanksgiving. Depression Era Homemade Bread. Have you seen Clara of Depression Coooking with Clara on the news lately? She is 93 years old and has her own blog and several videos on youtube. With the downturn of the economy, people are very interested in being frugal. Clara shares recipes and stories from her own life during the Great Depression.

I watched her youtube video on making bread. 9 Frugal-Living Tips From the Great Depression. This post originally appeared on POPSUGAR Smart Living. Scrimping and saving was a necessity during the Great Depression, when unemployment in the US skyrocketed to 25 percent. Although we are seeing better times, we can always take a page from that era and practice some of those thrifty habits.